Xiu De's noble people are a kind of four-pillar deity, which mainly represents the auspicious feeling of turning the corner. If a person's eight-character destiny appears virtuous and noble, then the master of destiny is generally handsome, educated and talented.
Old people often say that virtuous and noble people are endowed with intelligence, gentleness and kindness. If a person's eight-character destiny appears virtuous and noble, then the master of destiny is generally handsome, educated and talented. Virtue is the spirit of prosperity this month. The so-called show is the harmony of yin and yang, the spirit of this month. In the afternoon, the moon is full of fire. However, C-D is the vigor of these three months, so C-D is virtue. Pentecox melts into fire, so Pentecox is beautiful.
Noble rank among ancient concubines
Noble person, one of the titles of the emperor's concubine. Emperor Guangwu of the Eastern Han Dynasty is the highest title of concubine, second only to the queen. The Jin Dynasty, the third of three wives, was above the ninth wife. Later generations also regard noble people as honorifics for people whose status is respected, and sometimes treat noble people as honorifics for people who are of great help to themselves.
The concubines in the Qing Dynasty have a fixed number from the imperial concubine to the concubines. The nobles rank below the concubines, but they are only one step higher than those who are always present and promise, and sometimes they regard them as honorifics for people who are of great help to them. For example, it is often said that you meet a noble person when you go out. The noble person here refers to people who are of great help to you. For example, Emperor Guangwu of the Han Dynasty, it was not common in past dynasties to establish a noble person as a third wife, but in the Song Dynasty, Zhenzong restored the noble person.