In fact, after going to long summer, many people prefer to eat Yangmei, and some people may use Yangmei to soak wine. But when you eat these bayberries, you must clean them first, and one of the steps is to soak them in salt water. After soaking bayberry, you will find that most bayberry will crawl out some white worms, which are actually larvae of fruit flies. Because when bayberry is immature, fruit flies will hide their eggs on these blue bayberry, and when bayberry is mature, these eggs will become larvae.
In addition, when some fruit flies lay eggs, they will choose to lay eggs on bayberry with wounds and cracks, so most bayberry will contain these eggs or white larvae. Many people may find these white larvae particularly disgusting, but in fact, these fruit fly larvae are edible. Because these larvae contain a lot of protein, and fruit flies always feed on honey and fruit, so they don't carry any germs. Another point is that if there are many eggs in this bayberry, it proves that some pesticides were not used when planting bayberry, but it proves that this bayberry is pure natural bayberry.
Of course, not everyone can accept this kind of egg or this kind of larva. If you really don't want to eat these things, you can soak them in salt water before eating bayberry, because salt water has a good bactericidal effect. After these larvae are soaked in salt water, most of them will climb out of bayberry.