The first volume eighth grade physical energy conversion

Contents of energy conversion:

There are many forms of energy: mechanical energy, electrical energy, internal energy, chemical energy, solar energy, nuclear energy and so on.

Various forms of energy can be transformed into each other:

(1) Mechanical energy can be converted into electrical energy (generator) and internal energy (friction heat generation).

(2) Electric energy can be converted into mechanical energy (motor) and internal energy (electric heater).

(3) Solar energy can be converted into electric energy (solar cells), chemical energy (photosynthesis of plants) and internal energy (lighting a fire with a lens).

And energy is always conserved in the process of transformation. This is what we have learned.

Law of conservation of energy transformation: various forms of energy can be transformed into each other or transferred from one object to another. In the process of energy conversion or transfer, the total amount of energy is always constant.