Is it a theory that Bingzi met Hai Yin when he was young?

About the time when Bingzi met Hai Yin when he was young. Because when the sun and the land return, the wheel refers to ten dry land, and the current official position falls on the branch. The four pillars are not official, but the main one is expensive. For example, a Japanese Lord was born in Yin Shi, and Sizhu didn't have the gold to become an official star. This is called the return of Rilu. First of all, we should make clear the land genus, such as Jia Lu of Yin, Mao Lu, propylene Lu of Sri Lanka, Ding Lu of Noon, Geng Lu of Shen, Xin Lu of You, Hai Lu and Zi Lu. When the branch is a god of Lu, it is called the time when Lu returns to Japan.