Meningoencephalitis is mainly caused by infectious or toxic factors. First, inflammatory changes occur in the leptomeninges and the entire subarachnoid space, and then invade the brain through blood and lymph pathways, causing brain parenchymal damage. Inflammatory reaction, or simultaneous inflammation of the meninges and brain parenchyma. Meningoencephalitis, presenting with general cerebral symptoms or focal symptoms, is a disease associated with severe brain dysfunction. Clinically, it is characterized by sudden onset, foaming at the mouth, convulsions, and rapid death.
Recommendations (1) Inject 4m1 of 2.5% chlorpromazine hydrochloride solution into the muscles of sick pigs, then use acupuncture to prick Tianmen, Baihui, Suqi, Bazi and other acupoints, and then use traditional Chinese medicine Huanglian, Gardenia, 15g each of golden hookleaf (Uncaria), capsicum, calamus, and saposhnikovia, 2g cinnabar, 20g dangshen, 10g rhizome, and 10g bupleurum. Decoction into water and take by gavage, 1 dose per day, 2 times per dose. ? (2) Take 2 pills of Angong Niuhuang Pills (1 pill once for pigs weighing less than 50kg), mix with warm water and take it once by mouth. Magnesium sulfate 60ml, one injection into Naoshu point. Vidin gum calcium 10ml, one intramuscular injection. Pour 20ml of vinegar into each of the two ear holes, and use acupuncture to prick acupuncture points such as the lock mouth, switch, teeth, bridge of the nose, mountain roots, and Cunzi.