Only the bottom plate and the inner surface of the side form can be coated, but the end form cannot be coated, otherwise the sample will fall off directly and the test will fail.
2. Mold filling:
Mold filling should be repeated several times from one end to the other, slightly higher than the trial mold, and no bubbles can be mixed.
3. Scratch:
Hot scraping should be carried out from the middle to both ends, and the scraping temperature should be controlled at about 150℃. If the scraping temperature is too high, it is easy to make the asphalt surface sag, resulting in a small result. If the scraping temperature is too low, it is easy to make the surface uneven, so it is necessary to re-mold.
4. Water bath temperature and constant temperature time:
The temperature and time of the sample should be kept in strict accordance with the specifications to ensure that the sample is fully cooled. When the temperature is low, the result is small.
5. Instrument factors:
If the stretching speed of the instrument is too fast, the result will be too small.
6. Water bath density:
The floating or sinking of samples during stretching will affect the results and should be handled in time.
Softening point detection
Softening point is the temperature at which the asphalt sample and the steel ball with specified size and quality are put into a metal ring with specified size, put into water or glycerin, and heated at a specified speed until the steel ball sinks to a specified distance. Softening point is the temperature when asphalt reaches the specified viscosity, so softening point is not only an important index to reflect the temperature sensitivity of asphalt, but also a measure of asphalt viscosity. The higher the softening point, the better the high temperature performance of asphalt.
Main influencing factors
1. Isolation agent daub:
Only a thin layer of release agent can be applied. Too thick coating will occupy the asphalt space in the mold, resulting in little effect.
2. Mold filling:
Just slightly higher than the torus, if it is too high, it will flow out of the sample ring and stick to the outer wall, resulting in the positioning ring not being sleeved, and it will still flow when heated, which will affect the results.
3. Water bath temperature and constant temperature time:
Strictly follow the specifications to ensure that the samples are fully cooled.
4. Starting temperature:
The initial temperature affects the discreteness of the test results, and the relative deviation is small at 5℃, and the initial temperature should be controlled within 5 0.5℃.
5. Heating rate:
It is required that the heating rate per minute be controlled within the range of 5 0.5℃. If the heating rate is too fast, the heating of the sample and the medium is not synchronous, and the result is too large, otherwise it is too small.
Six instrumental factors:
The main performance is that the steel ball does not drop or drops slowly, and the result is too large.
7. Heating medium:
Glycerol should be used as heating medium for asphalt with softening point above 80℃, because water is close to boiling state above 80℃, which will produce a lot of bubbles and affect the results. However, the boiling point of glycerol is 230℃, so glycerol cannot be used as medium.