Linghu Village belongs to which province and which city.

Linghu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Bazishao Town, Heshan District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 430903 10 1204, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 430903. The postal code is 4 13000, the long-distance telephone area code is 0737, and the license plate number is Xiang H. Linghu Village is adjacent to Gaoliangping Village, Zhuhu Village, Huda Village, Jiumu Community, Jinjiadi Village and Berlin Lake Village.

Near Linghu Village, there are tourist attractions such as the first village tourist area of great changes in mountain villages, Yiyang Olympic Park, Xinyi building complex, Yiyang Museum, Kuixing Tower and so on. There are also special foods such as butterflies floating across the river, white pills from Guo Laoguan, Chun Lv from Xi Zhi, bean jelly scraping from Guo Laoguan, and iron pots in central Hunan.