Pianyin is the yin and yang star whose birthday stem belongs to the same sex; while Pou Shi and Xiaoshen are the specific names of Pianyin in certain situations of birth and constraint. When the four pillars are suppressed by the fortune star, the partial seal is called partial seal; when there is no restraint by the fortune star, the partial seal is called the owl god; when the four pillars are not restrained by the fortune star, it is called the inverted seal. How to determine good or bad luck when one's destiny is biased? This depends on the specific horoscopes, the palace position of the partial seal, the decline and prosperity of the partial seal in the fortune, and the influence on the sun master, that is, the good and bad fortune will be determined by the favorable and disfavored conditions. Without specific horoscopes, good or bad luck cannot be determined based on partial seals.
If you believe in the dogma of a certain book and use it to tell fortunes like algebra, you will often hit the wall!