1. The male stem accounts for the God of Cookery, which is female. 2. The female stem accounts for the God of Cookery, which is male. 3. When a man and a woman are destined to have their own stems, they will be able to make money. 4. When men and women are destined to be together, they will be in the owl seal of a woman. The second way to judge: 1. The daily stems of men and women are both yin, and the hour column is also yin, female. The sun pillar is all yang, the hour pillar is all yin, male. 2. When the male day stem is yin, it supports yang, and it is male. On the contrary, female. When a woman is dry and Yin, she is a man, and vice versa, she is a woman. 3 Regardless of men and women, if the day is Yang and the time is Yang, it is male, and vice versa, it is female. The day stem is yang, the hour stem is yin, female. The day stem is yin, the hour stem is yang, male. 4. The male zodiac sign is the hour stem and the day stem is the opposite of the day stem, male. In female horoscope, Sun Stem overcomes Hour Stem, male zodiac sign. The accuracy rate is 98%.