When the emperor arrived in the early dynasty, the ministers slapped him, and the ministers were immediately dumbfounded. The emperor said: Four rewards.

Speaking of Jie Jin, a great genius of the Ming Dynasty, a partner who is familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty will not be unfamiliar. He was brilliant since he was a child, and won the title of "child prodigy" from an early age, which was deeply loved by his neighbors. When he grew up, he won the first prize in the exam again and again, and stepped onto the official career step by step, becoming a pillar of the DPRK and a humeral minister who shared the worries for the emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, went through hardships and finally established the Ming Dynasty, becoming the second civilian emperor in history. His legendary life was admired by later generations, but he was criticized and slaughtered by later generations in his later years, so that Judy, the prince of Yan, took the opportunity to fight, and the court could not send a general who could recruit and fight well. It's really embarrassing.

1On June 24th, 398, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was 7 1 year old, came to the end of his life and died in his bedroom. He passed the throne to Zhu Yunwen, the eldest grandson of the emperor. In June of the same year, Zhu Yunwen officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, known as his Emperor in history. After Zhu Yunwen acceded to the throne in his early years, he was indecisive, indecisive and powerless, which worried the DPRK ministers.

One day, some ministers of North Korea got together to discuss how to persuade the emperor to become a sage and a wise monarch in Xu Lai as soon as possible, while Jie Jin said, "The emperor is fatuous. It is not enough to persuade him. We should give him a good beating." When Jie Jin said this, all the ministers present were sweating with fear, pale and afraid to speak any more.

The next day, as usual, the ministers went to the court. Just after he ascended the throne, I saw Jie Jin walk quickly to the emperor. Meeting is a slap, and the hall echoed with a slap. Your majesty was shocked at once. Is this Jie Jin crazy? He stammered: "Opposite, someone, take Jie Jin down quickly!" Outside the temple, the guards rushed in and took Jie Jin down. The ministers present looked at each other and sweat kept falling. They speculated that Jie Jin would definitely be beheaded today.

Wen Jian buried his face in the dragon chair and said, "Jie Jin did evil, Jie Jin fought, and Jie Jin beat the emperor." His royal highness's ministers all hid their faces and smiled, thinking that the emperor had been beaten and even had no idea to go out, but Jie Jin said unhurriedly, "Mosquitoes bite, mosquitoes bite, mosquitoes bully the king."

As soon as Jie Jin's voice fell, Emperor Wen Jian was furious and said, "Nonsense, where did mosquitoes come from?" Jie Jin immediately spread out his palm and said, "Your Majesty, please look." When the ministers looked carefully, they found a mosquito in the palm of Jie Jin's hand. They quickly seized the opportunity to intercede for him. See this kind of situation, Wen Jian had to order to untie Jie Jin, and promoted him to academician bachelor on the spot!