Geng yin Xin Mao pine and cypress wood
The wood is close to the official in the yin, the emperor is prosperous in the Mao, and the wood is not weak, so it is called pine and cypress wood. Snow and frost covered the earth, the wind shook the spring, and more than Zhang Jing gave it. Tip: pine and cypress are a strong tree, so only the fire in the furnace and the water in the water can hurt him, and other encounters are harmless. Pine and cypress trees, such as big forest trees and willow trees, are both species of wood, but their quality is not as good as that of pine and cypress trees, so they are bound to be jealous. Pine and cypress trees like to see gold, and when they meet it, it will indicate great wealth. In addition, there is a life style called "Pine in Winter", that is, the three pillars belong to winter on the day of the month (nonyl, decyl, hai, zi). This case is the life of wealth.
Wuyin is the first place in the city.
The sky is dry, and it belongs to the earth. Yin is the root mountain, and the soil is the mountain. Therefore, it is called the city soil, the Tianjing Jade Base, the Dili Jincheng, and the shape of a thousand years. Tip: When you see the mountains and water in the city, it must be a rockery and beautiful water. It can't be built by non-dignitaries, but avoid the water of the sea and the thunder fire. The city's top soil is Tianjing Yulei, Dili Jincheng, and the shape of a dragon plate is thousands of miles. The tiger lives in four dimensions. There are two theories about the success of this soil. You don't need to use fire when you meet the soil that has been completed by the roadside. If there is no road, you must use fire. All the soil in Dadoucheng must be made of wood, willow and cassia, which is not the best, and it is taboo in the afternoon, and the ugliness of mulberry and cassia is the best, followed by Renzi. If Geng Yin and Xin Mao are in place, then the city will collapse and be restless. Yeah, it's like seeing a wood without a clip, just talking about it with a noble person. Seeing the water and mountains is a dignitary, Jia Shending is ugly and auspicious, and Tianhe is also auspicious, but it is not taboo to break the sea. Integration and transformation are all based on good luck. Earth loves the road to prevent fire, and the big post must be regarded as a noble view when it meets the mountain. If you see it alone, you will be poor and lonely, and the five elements will see only white wax. I am afraid that the two will hinder each other and the gold will be useless. You must also look at it with Luma nobles.
gold foil gold
Yinmao is the land of Muwang, and Muwang wins (1), and gold is absolutely out of Yin, and it is born in Mao, so it is called gold foil gold. Tip: In ancient times, houses were decorated with gold foil to show resplendence. Gold foil came from other gold, so it was active when it met gold, and it was a place of great achievements when it met the land on the house and the city head. According to the life script, it was called "Kunshan Pian Yu" when it met the Wuyin the city head, and it was called "Jade Rabbit Dongsheng" when it met its own base.
Geng Shen Xin You Pomegranate Tree
The application is July, and the unitary is August. At this time, the tree is absolutely gone, but the pomegranate tree is restored, so it is called pomegranate tree; Qi returns to quietness, things gradually become real, wood lives in gold to give birth to its taste, and autumn fruit becomes real. Hint: Geng, Xin, Shen and You are all gold, but the sound is pomegranate wood, which is the general change of the five elements. This wood gets fruit in late autumn, so it is strong in nature, and it can often be combined with earth, wood, water and gold to become auspicious, but the sea water is Wang Yang, which is related to poverty and illness; It is also good to meet the fire in the sky, the thunder fire or the fire in the furnace; Other fires are ominous. Pomegranate wood often contains precious life. For example, if a person is born in May and brings a fire every day, it is called "Pomegranate Spitting Fire". In the case of willow trees, it is called "flowers are red and willows are green", which are all in the eight characters of your destiny < P >. Years are your ancestors, months are your parents, days are your own, and times are your descendants.
some people take the words out of context, and just two words will fix the fire, water, wood and gold. This will definitely not work.
to put it simply, there is no need to make up the gold. Wood makes a fire, so there is no need to make up the fire. Just make up a water. But it can't be big sea water, so waves and waves are not allowed. You can use water such as ze and Lin.