Carving a boat and asking for a sword, a thousand purples, a thousand reds, an inch of grass, the spring light opens up the world, saying that one is the best, bear the thorns, plead guilty, thousands

Carving a boat and asking for a sword, a thousand purples, a thousand reds, an inch of grass, the spring light opens up the world, saying that one is the best, bear the thorns, plead guilty, thousands of horses, and secretly learn, and never tire of the eight immortals.

Myths and fables: The creation of the world, the Eight Immortals crossing the sea

Historical stories: Bearing a thorn to plead guilty, lying on a firewood and tasting courage, hearing the chicken dance

Poetry and prose: Spring shines on an inch of grass, thousands of horses sit silent

Colloquial sayings: ambitious, talk the truth, never tire of learning, strive for the best, point fingers