In December, Wu earth means wealth will be prosperous, and the year and month will be Xin metal. It belongs to earth metal and hurts officials, so Bing fire is used. Jia wood is the assistant. The richest person is the most valuable. It is difficult to be poor.
Generally, in December, the earth is Wu, the water is strong and the earth is wet, and Bing fire is needed to warm the earth. Seal. But if you look closely at the horoscope, the Earthly Branches are ugly and have three punishments. The dry Wu soil forms the earth pattern, which is earth prosperity. This results in a body that is prosperous and wealth is prosperous. Therefore, metal is used to transform the customs. When soil is prosperous, gold is born, and metal is born. Water. Water is wealth. If the zodiac sign is too prosperous, the fortune will be very good if food harms the fortune. Because wealth is connected through the door, no one is not rich. Ancient books say that wealth is connected through the door, and no one is rich. , there is another saying that it is the Wuzi yen, there are no poor people. After the second life is created, he will definitely be a rich man. Haha, the most awesome horoscope.
I believe you should understand, the god of happiness is gold, so the name Made of gold.