The number of people who make vows is unlimited, but it must be an odd number. In the same year, people of the same sex become sworn, men are called brothers, and women are called sisters. Generally, it is carried out in adolescence, and most of them are like-minded, or they are in the same boat or have their own needs. In the old society, there were many rituals and customs of becoming sworn: those who were relatives did not become sworn; It is the in-laws who do not become sworn; Those with generational differences do not become sworn; Those who do not agree with the eight characters do not become sworn; Those who break the clan rules don't become sworn (in the past, if they made enmity with other clans, they vowed to make rules not to marry or marry a certain clan); Those who fail to pass the oath ceremony are not officially sworn, and so on. With the progress of society and the improvement of civilization, people think that as long as they get along well with each other, they don't have to stick to a certain form. Of course, in reality, there are still some young people who are sworn, and they are relatively indifferent to the old etiquette. The ceremony is generally simple, and most of them are oral vows. The grand ones hold vows in front of Guan Gong statues, "ancestral temples" or other gods according to etiquette and customs. Young people who want to become allies generally have to get the consent of all parents before they become sworn, because their elders are more experienced and cautious.
after the swearing-in ceremony, the people who take part in the swearing-in ceremony are called brothers, some of them add the words "Qi", "Lan" and "Friendship" before the salutation, and some of them are commonly called eldest brother, second child and third child ... which means life and death and * * *, sharing weal and woe. In case of weddings, funerals, festivals, etc., they all associate as brothers.