As the saying goes: the beginning is the cause, one is divided into three, the sky is light and clear, and the yang is heavy, and the ground is heavy and cloudy. People are in heaven and earth, wearing natural positions and full of yin and yang. Therefore, those who despise Ming are ten posts, and the Lord is Lu. Call it Tianyuan; Heavy turbidity is twelve branches, the main body. It is called the earth element. Heaven and earth are in their proper places, and those who become talents between heaven and earth are called people. Therefore, what is hidden in the branches is the life of the Lord. It is called the human element, the god of affairs, and the commander.
As can be seen from the above scripture, the sky is dry and the Lord is Lu. Look at your official wealth and eat your official salary. The earth branch, the main body. Look at your health and longevity.
Whether you want to be a man or not depends on you.
Therefore, when judging four pillars and eight characters, we should look at heavenly stems and earthly branches's hidden work.
About the "commander" calling it the moon god. For example:
Build yin in the first month, hide dryness in yin, and toast for five days; C fire department for five days; Carpenter number 20.
Mao was built in February, and there were seven days in the coffin. The 23rd.
And so on.