The slogan of R1SE is: Born at dawn, ride on the waves, R1se young man, meet at the peak.
This slogan is the slogan with the most likes voted for by fans. In addition to "Born at dawn, riding on the waves, R1se boy, reaching the peak." There are two slogans that the official came up with for fans to choose and like. One is "Youth with great ambition, fearless in moving forward, reaching the peak." The other one is "R one S E is on the journey, and the twelve companions are on the beautiful road." Fans voted for the first support slogan "At dawn" from these three slogans. Life, ride on the waves, R1se boy, meet at the peak."
R1SE's support slogans and fan names
1, Yan Xujia
Yan Xujia’s fan name is Garfield Cat.
Yan Xujia’s support color is lemon yellow.
Yan Xujia’s cheering slogan is “A young man’s ambition is equal to the mountains and seas, and Yan Xujia is in sight of becoming famous.”
2. Xia Zhiguang
Xia Zhiguang’s fan name is Aurora .
Xia Zhiguang’s support color is fluorescent green.
Xia Zhiguang’s slogan is “Xia Zhiguang, don’t wander around, just shine, make iron and steel.