Seeing words is like meeting each other
Yes! I remember last year at my daughter-in-law’s house, my mother-in-law gave each of us a benefit. My wife, my brother-in-law, and I were each asked to have our fortunes told. The fortune teller was blind and spoke a bunch of dialects that I couldn't understand. Would it be more convincing if we combined the facial appearance with the birth date and horoscope?
The above example extends a topic, the art of looking at people. There are many experts in this field who are very accurate in reading people. They observe a person through their facial features, speech and behavior, clothing, living habits, work and rest patterns, etc., so as to judge the person's character. I remember there was a high official in the Qing Dynasty who saw people by the way they walked.
Due to personal professional reasons, I am used to seeing people through their handwriting. For example, if a person's handwriting is large, it means that the person is very courageous, and if the handwriting is small, it means he is cowardly. If the horizontal strokes of a person's handwriting are long, it shows that the person is open-minded. If a person likes to make vertical drawings very long, it shows that his life pattern is not good. If a person's overall handwriting tilts to the upper right, this person is very motivated and positive. On the contrary, his life is very negative and depressed.