I was born around 2:30 in the evening on September 26, 1992. I beg the master to tell me what my destiny is.

Birthday horoscope analysis results

Birthday (Gregorian calendar)

September 27, 1992 2:30

Birthday (lunar calendar) Ren Shen year, September, second day of the lunar month, Chou hour

The eight characters are Renshen, Jiyou, Bingwu, Jichou

Five elements: water, metal, earth and metal, fire, earth and earth

Nayin, Jianfeng metal Dayi soil, Tianhe water, thunder and fire

Overview: The horoscope is relatively weak, and the horoscope likes "wood". It is best to use a character with the five-element attribute of "wood" in the name. The analysis is as follows:

Yongshen analysis: [Same score]: Fire 2.00, Wood 0.00, *** total 2.00 points; [Unusual score]: Gold 2.28, Water 1.92, Earth 2.50, *** total 6.70 points; [Difference]: -4.70 points; [Comprehensive Prosperity and Decline Score]: -4.70 points, "the eight characters are weak"; "the eight characters like to use gods": the eight characters are weak, and the eight characters like "wood", and "wood" is this The "god of joy" in life.