What is the cause of hip pain?

Hip pain may sometimes occur, so what is the cause of hip pain? Let's ask the experts to explain it to you. 1. Muscle and tendon strain: most of them have a history of acute injury, and there may be swelling, tenderness and ecchymosis locally, which can be definitely diagnosed by B-ultrasound or MRI. 2. Arthritis: manifested as pain during exercise, and the pain is getting worse. Decreased joint activity, especially pronation. X-ray film shows that the joint space is narrow and osteophyte is formed. If young people have joint inflammation, we should consider whether there are inflammatory factors such as infectious arthritis and reactive arthritis or other systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. 3. Children should rule out the possibility of avulsion fracture of anterior superior iliac spine or epiphysis displacement of femoral head. It can be confirmed by x-ray 4. Tendinopathy: caused by excessive exercise. There is tenderness locally, and the degree of pain increases with the increase of exercise. 5. Tendon terminal inflammation: caused by rheumatic diseases involving tendons. Most of them are located at the end of tendon. Tendons in other parts may also be involved. 6. Femoral neck fracture: due to excessive exercise, trauma, abnormal bones and other reasons, I feel pain during internal rotation. Fatigue fracture can be normal on X-ray film, and it needs radionuclide scanning or nuclear magnetic resonance to be diagnosed. 7. Pubic osteitis: Pain in the middle of pubic bone radiates to hip joint. There is direct tenderness locally. 8. Iligroin nerve compression: the pain is similar to sports hernia, but there are adduction muscular atrophy and spasm at the same time. It can be confirmed by electromyography. 9. Sports hernia: chronic inguinal pain. Aggravated during exercise. There may be tenderness in the groin ring. 10. Biliary lip disease: According to the history of injury, it shows chronic pain in deep joints. There will be a phenomenon of "cross-locking" when walking. Rotary grinding test can induce pain during physical examination. Enhanced MRI can improve the accuracy of diagnosis. Diagnosis can also be determined by diagnostic intra-articular local anesthesia. The above introduction is believed that everyone knows the answer to this question. Finally, I would like to remind you that "femoral head necrosis" has become a major cause of hip pain and mobility disorders, hoping to attract enough attention.