In Yin Na, which is sixty years old, it corresponds to the year of Wuyin and Jimao, that is, the person born in Wuyin and Jimao is life's core monuments of Chengtou. Wuyin, bazaar, rustic formation, began to raise everything, until the roots are strong and branches are prosperous, so it is called Chengtou soil.
People born in Wuyin and Bazaar were born in Chengtou. Everything in the sky belongs to the earth, and its branches represent hills. A lot of soil piled up into mountains, like city walls, high and thick. People born in cities tend to be complacent because they can get strong support from their families. If they are content with the status quo and do not strive for progress, their wealth will not last long, and they will only live on empty pockets. The Ming people in Chengtou are the strongest, stubborn and loyal to their duties. Such people are generally powerful and paternalistic, and they can't shake his will unless they meet the water of the Tianhe River.
Born and raised in Chengtou, Tianjing, Lei Yu, and Dili, Jincheng, are shaped like dragons and tigers in four dimensions. There are generally two theories about the success or failure of this kind of soil. When the city head touches the roadside, the soil becomes, and there is no need to use fire. If there is no roadside, it is that the soil has not become, and fire must be used; Dadoucheng soil must belong to wood, Liu Gui is not the best, and it is taboo in the afternoon; Santo put ugliness first, followed by Renzi; When Geng Yin and Xin Mao were in power, the city collapsed and there was no peace. Why should we be safe? If you see a piece of wood without a clip, you can only talk about it by a noble person. Whether the life in Chengtou is good or not depends on water and mountains. Shen Jia and Ding Chou are auspicious, and it is also auspicious for Tianhe to help them. Only avoid the thunderbolt and the sea, and the combination is auspicious. Pushing the earth and loving the people, roadside fire prevention. When a big post meets the mountain, it will be a lofty view. If you look at it alone, you will be poor and lonely. The five elements see gold, only white wax, afraid of damage, the two interfere with each other, and the rest of the gold is useless, so we must look at it with the nobles. 1. In the year of Wuyin (1938, 1998), the head soil of Wuyin City was damaged and the weakest. We should not only be angry, but also avoid self-injury, Geng Yin, Xin Mao, all kinds of colors. Chen Geng is the gold that gathers gas. Without fire, it can naturally become a great instrument. If it sees fire, it will hurt its body. If it sees the fire of death, it won't be a big obstacle. Chen Jia Isfo shines the most fiercely. When it comes to poverty, it will die. This gold can't break wood, because it is gas-accumulated gold.
Numerology: the city head soil in Wuyin year is kind-hearted, generous and noble, and blessed by accidents. Have the ability to give people the impression of maturity and stability, and have the opportunity to become a leader at work, but avoid showing too much. Although tired, it is a safe, lucky and stable life, especially in middle age, most of them can get ahead, and many nobles help them live a lifetime, and they have no worries about food and clothing. Both the ancient prince and your son were born on this day. Although the situation is worrying, the marriage is still good. A person's life is a happy marriage, and if he sees punishment, he will not be restricted by this. Women are too strong, most of them are dissatisfied with small jobs at work, and their luck before marriage is poor. This kind of life is romantic, so you must pay attention to whether your husband has an affair or changed his mind before and after pregnancy. Second, in the year of Jimao (1939, 1999), Jimao Chengtou soil is self-dead, self-suppressed and lifeless. If there is fire in Dingmao furnace, there is fire on the top of the mountain and there is no fire in the sky, then Fulu will live a long life.
Numerology: Chengtoutu in his early years was a romantic figure with outstanding appearance and strong imagination. Although he is very affectionate, his feelings often cause controversy. Lead the way, but success must be twice as hard as others. Although diligent, middle-aged people must guard against setbacks, and their work changes greatly, ending in failure. Prevent the body from seeing more disasters and diseases, leading to listlessness. Men are semi-tame, can be very smooth, have bad luck in marriage, have many emotional disputes and obstacles, and couples often have disagreements. This is the common feature of divorce, marriage failure and separation. If there is no firefight in the couple's palace, you can still be happy. A woman is a lady, working hard for her family, her husband and her children all her life. It is necessary to prevent marriage from changing.