Newborns were vaccinated with BCG 3 days after birth. There are two methods: intradermal scratching and intradermal injection. After 2~3 weeks of intradermal inoculation, redness and induration appeared, about 10 mm * 10 mm, and a small white pustule gradually formed in the middle, which turned into an ulcer after pricking, and finally scabbed off, leaving a permanent circular scar. After inoculation with 1~2 weeks, the skin became red, swollen, ulcerated and scabbed in 3~4 weeks, and 1~2 months fell off and healed, leaving a concave scratch scar. Premature infants, people with skin lesions or other diseases such as fever should suspend vaccination; For newborns suspected of congenital immunodeficiency, BCG vaccination is absolutely forbidden to avoid systemic infection and life-threatening.