Please help us to see if the following two words are consistent with Ding Mao, Yi Si, Gui Wei (male), Bing Yin, Geng Zi, Ren Zi and Gui Mao (female). Thank you very much

In, Ding Mao, male, and Bing Yin, female, are all wood fires, and there is no mutual restraint. They are all fire in the furnace in sound, which is consistent. Japanese branch, Guiwei male, Renzi female, Tiantong, Dizhi male soil, female water, water and soil are in harmony, and children do not harm each other. For them, the problem is not big, but they will quarrel because of a temporary dispute. However, because the imperial concubine and Renzi belong to the wood, they come and go quickly, and there may be pressure from family and friends at the end of the bed, but because the land of the earth is the official of Renshui. Combined with the monthly support, the man is still feminine, and the monthly support is partial to wealth. After marriage, the man may sometimes disrespect the woman or have nostalgia for the old love, but the woman can't see her husband, so don't make trouble, but should cultivate a gentle morality. Generally speaking, the combination of two characters is complete, so the man should not rock the boat and may not look beautiful and be satisfied with it. Judging from the eight characters, it seems that the girl has a good family and can get along well with the man's parents. There are small misunderstandings in daily life that need to be resolved in time, and there is no fundamental contradiction in housework.