1, official
The official is the husband of the girl, so it is generally easy for the girl to peach blossom in the year of official; The official can also look at the cause. The official and the Japanese are one yin and one yang. Therefore, although the official boycotted the Japanese Lord, it would not do its best and was somewhat tolerant. So the Japanese official came, and it is easy to see the sunshine of my career.
2. Some officials
Partial officials are lovers for girls, so girls are prone to peach blossoms in the year when they are partial officials, but they may not be as good as the year when they are official. It is merciless for a partial official to kill the Japanese Lord, which is also called seven kills. Killing the Japanese Lord seven times is like hitting the Japanese Lord by means of repression and violence, so the Japanese Lord will feel pressured and oppressed in the year of killing seven times.
3. Cai Zheng
Cai Zheng is a boy's wife, so when Cai Zheng comes out, boys are prone to peach blossoms. Cai Zheng also represents wealth, mainly refers to the money earned by down-to-earth work. Cai Zheng is in a good year, but robbing money is easy to go bad. Of course, we must also divide the weak state of the Japanese Lord.
4. Part of wealth
Partial wealth is a lover for boys, so in the year when partial wealth comes out, boys are easy to have peach blossoms, but they may not be as good as real wealth. Partial wealth represents unexpected wealth, and it is easy to have unexpected wealth in the year of partial wealth.
5. Positive printing
Positive printing represents backing, backstage and noble people. The year being printed will be better as a whole, and it is easy for people to help when something happens.
6. Offset printing
Although partial printing also means backing and noble people, it is not a pro after all. If the original print represents the biological mother, the partial print represents the stepmother. It's ok if you don't meet the god of food. Grab the owl's food when you meet the god of food, and break the money easily.
7. Gourmet
The god of food represents a person's thoughts, opinions and financial resources. In the year of god of food, the financial resources are abundant, and hard work can make money, especially when you meet god of food, it is easy to get rich.
8. Injured officials
Injured officials also represent a person's thoughts and opinions, and are also the main source of financial resources. However, the official injury is worse than the god of food. When the injured officer comes, he can also make money through hard work. Just like the god of food, it is easy to get rich if you are weak. People who hurt officials tend to have a bad temper and be a little picky. For girls, the official injury year is not conducive to feelings, and it is easy to have conflicts with boyfriends and quarrel and break up.
9, shoulder to shoulder
Similarly, boys are brothers and girls are sisters. Shoulder-to-shoulder mainly helps Japanese car owners, especially vulnerable car owners.
10, rob money
Rob money is a sister for boys and a brother for girls. As the name implies, it is a person who robs money. It is easy to break money in the year of robbing money, especially for Wang Ming. I saw it when I robbed the money, and it was even more serious when it was broken. For the weak, robbing money can also help. In terms of money-breaking, it's like a person who wants to do business and has a middleman in it, it's easy to make all the money.