What is the radical of the tool?

The radical of "ju" is: eight.

Here are some phrases about "ju":

Yes, yes.

Complete; Yes. Example: We must have the ability of oral and written expression.


The details are very real and meticulous; Not abstract, not generalized (as opposed to abstract). Example: The specified content is very specific.

Distinguish the concrete. Ex.: The specific candidate is still uncertain.

Combine theories, principles and standards. With a specific person or thing (followed by "to"). For example, specific to different cities, the change of supply and demand in the property market is restricted by different factors.

And [jǒ y ǒ u]

Yes; Existence (often used in abstract things). With China characteristics? |? be on the alert

Zhu ·Xi· dang

Specific image. Example: Turn abstract verve into eternal concreteness.

Concrete; Not abstract. This expression is both concrete and abstract.