Wang Shouren, courtesy name Bo'an, was born in Yuyao. Fu Hua, whose courtesy name was Dehui, was the first Jinshi in the 17th year of Chenghua. Taught compilation. During the Hongzhi period, there were many officials, bachelors, and Shao Zhan. Hua Youqidu has been teaching for the longest time, and Xiaozong is very fond of him. Li Guanggui gave Hua Lectures on "Extensions of the University". In the Tang Dynasty, Li Fuguo and Zhang Hou used internal and external matters to criticize Chen Shiqie. The emperor ordered the officials to give him food and work. In the early days of Zhengde, he entered the Ministry of Rites as Zuo Shilang. Because Shou Ren disobeyed Liu Jin, he became the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel in Nanjing and stopped doing business. Due to a small error in the "Huidian", he was demoted to the right minister. If Jin is defeated, he will recover, and there will be no death. Hua was filial by nature, and his mother Cen died at the age of over 100 years old. Hua was over seventy years old, and he still slept in thatch and ate vegetables, and there were many scholars talking about him.
Shou Ren was born in the fourteenth month of pregnancy. My grandmother dreamed that a god was sending her son off from the clouds, so she was named Yun. He couldn't speak at the age of five, so he was picked up by a stranger and renamed Shouren. On the fifteenth day of the year, I visited Juyong and Shanhaiguan. When I left the fortress at the end of the day, I had a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers. If you are weak and take the provincial examination, you will make great progress in learning. Gu Yi is a good talker and good at shooting. In the twelfth year of Deng Hongzhi's reign, he became a Jinshi. Before the envoy was appointed, King Wei Ningbo was buried in Yue County, and he returned to the northwest to discuss the matter. Xun was awarded the title of head of the Ministry of Punishment. He was imprisoned in Jiangbei and returned home due to illness. He became the head of the Ministry of War. In the winter of the first year of Zhengde, Liu Jin arrested more than 20 people including Dai Xian, the censor in Nanjing. Shouren resisted Zhang's rescue, but Jin was angry. With the imperial staff of forty, he was relegated to Longchang Yicheng in Guizhou. The mountains in Longchang are sparsely populated, and Miao and Liao people live together. Shouren was guided by customs, and the barbarians liked him, so they led him to cut down trees and build houses to live in Shouren. Jin punished him and moved him to the county magistrate of Luling. After entering the imperial court, he moved to Nanjing to be the head of the Ministry of Justice. Yang Yiqing, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, changed the seal and approved it. He moved to the imperial examination doctor many times, was promoted to Nanjing Imperial Servant Shaoqing, and then moved to Hongluqing.
Wang Qiongsuqi, Minister of War, guarded benevolent talents. In August of the 11th year, he was promoted to the censor of Youqiandu and patrolled southern and Jiangxi. At that time, thieves appeared in Nanzhong. Xie Zhishan occupied Hengshui, Zuoxi, and Tonggang, and Chi Zhongrong occupied Hutou. They both claimed the title of king. Together with Dayu Chen Yueneng, Lechang Gao Kuaima, Chenzhou Gong Fuquan and others, they attacked Jifu County. And the Fujian Damao Mountain bandit Zhan Shifu and others appeared again. Vincento, the former governor, scurried away. The bandits from Helechang in Zhishan plundered Dayu and attacked Nankang and Ganzhou. Wu Ding, the chief administrator of Ganxian County, died in the battle. When Shouren arrived, he knew that there were many thieves on the left and right, so he called the old shrewd officials to question them. The official was trembling and dared not hide. Because of his crime, he was ordered to fill in the thief, and he knew all about the thief's movements. So he called on Fujian and Guangdong to join forces and attack the Tai Mao Mountain bandits first. In the first month of the next year, the deputy governor Yang Zhang and others broke into Changfu Village and forced it into Xianghu Mountain. They commanded Qin Huan and the county prime minister Ji Yong to die in battle. Shouren personally led his troops to garrison Shanghang. Pretending to retreat, he unexpectedly attacked them. He destroyed more than forty villages in a row, captured and killed 7,000 Youqi, and commanded Wang Kai and others to capture Shifu. The power of sparing words is too weak to command the soldiers. Please give me a flag and supervise the military affairs, so that I can do it easily. Shangshu Wang Qiongzou followed him. Nai Geng's military system: twenty-five people in a team, each team has a small armor; the second team is a team, and the team has a general armor; the fourth team is a sentry, with a long sentry, assisted by two assistant sentries; the second sentry is a camp, and the battalion has an officer and a staff officer The second is the assistant; the third battalion is the formation, and the formation has partial generals; the second formation is the army, and the army has deputy generals. They are all on the committee and do not give orders to the court; below the deputy general, they must be punished and punished by each other.
In July of that year, he marched into Dayu. Zhishan took the opportunity to attack Nan'an in a hurry, but the prefect Ji Chu defeated him. Deputy envoy Yang Zhang and others also asked Jie to return home. Then we discussed discussing Hengshui and Zuoxi. In October, the capital commander Xu Qing, Ganzhou magistrate Xing Xun, Ningdu magistrate Wang Tian and one army each met at Hengshui, and garrison Jia Wen, Tingzhou magistrate Tang Chun, and county magistrate Shufu each met at Zuoxi, Ji'an magistrate Zhang Jian, the magistrate of Wuwending and Chengxiang counties, stopped him from running away. Shouren stationed himself in Nankang and went thirty miles to Hengshui. He sent 400 men in advance to ambush the thieves' nest and march towards them. The thieves fought, and the two mountains raised banners. The thieves were shocked and said that all the officers and soldiers had plowed their nests, so they collapsed. Taking advantage of the victory to overcome Hengshui, Zhishan and his party Xiao Guimo and others all walked to Tonggang. The left stream is also broken. Shouren used Tonggang to be dangerous and solid, moved the camp closer to the ground, and warned him of disaster and blessing. The leader of the thieves, Lan Tingfeng and others, were frightened and overjoyed to see the envoy. It was the first day of the new year in midwinter, but Xun and Wen Ding had braved the rain to get in. The thieves blocked the water formation and Xun went straight forward to fight. Wen Ding and Jian came out from the right. The thieves fled in a hurry and were defeated again when they met Chun Bing. The armies broke through Tonggang, and Zhishan, Guimo and Tingfeng surrendered. There are four out of eighty who break the nest, and there is a surprise when six thousand are captured and killed. At that time, Qin Jin, the governor of Huguang, also defeated Fuquan. Thousands of his party suddenly arrived, and the generals captured and beheaded them. Chongyi County was established in Hengshui to control Zhuyao. Return to Ganzhou to discuss the fight against the Hutou thieves. At the beginning, Shouren's Pingshi Fuye, Longchuan thieves Lu Ke, Zheng Zhigao and Chen Yingxian asked to surrender. When they conquered Hengshui, the thieves surrendered the Golden Nest with 500 men, but Zhongrong did not descend. When the water broke, Zhongrong sent his younger brother Zhongan to return, and he was strictly on guard for the war. He said slyly: "Ke, Zhigao, the enemy, will attack me, so be prepared." Shouren pretended to tie his staff to Ke and others, but Yin sent Ke's brother to gather troops, so he ordered the scattered troops. At the beginning of the year, there is a big display of lanterns and music, and Zhongrong is convinced and suspicious. Shou Ren gave him some gifts to induce him to thank him. Zhongrong led ninety-three people to camp in the teaching field, and several people came to visit him. Shouren said: "If all my people are staying outside, do you doubt me?" They were introduced to Xiangfu Palace and fed well. The thief is overjoyed and feels at ease. Shouren stayed with Zhongrong to watch the lantern music. On the third day of the first lunar month, during the great feast, soldiers in armor were placed at the door. All the thieves came in and captured and killed them all. When he arrived at the robber's nest, he defeated the upper, middle and lower three in a row and killed two thousand people. The rest of the thieves ran to Jiulian Mountain. The mountain stretches hundreds of miles and is so steep that it cannot be attacked. Naijian's seven hundred warriors, dressed in thieves' clothes, ran down the cliff and overthrew the thieves. The officers and soldiers attacked, attacking internally and externally, and captured and beheaded everyone. He established Heping County in Xiahan and set up a garrison before returning. It is the territory of Dading.
At the beginning, the imperial court thought that the thieves were strong and sent troops from Guangdong and Huguang to jointly suppress them. Shouren was sparse and stopped, but it was not enough. After Tonggang was destroyed, Huguang soldiers began to arrive. As for Pinghuantou, Guangdong has not yet accepted the imperial edict. Shouren's generals were all civil servants and primary school officials. They had been fighting against huge bandits for decades and were astonished from far and near. Enter the right deputy capital censor, and give hereditary royal guards to 100 households, and then enter the deputy 1,000 households.
In June of the 14th year, he was ordered to survey the Fujian rebels. When they arrived at Fengcheng, King Ning Chenhao rebelled, and the county magistrate Gu Bao reported him.
Shouren rushed to Ji'an in a hurry, and he and Wu Wen decided to recruit soldiers and food, fix the equipment and boats, and preach the crime of violent destruction of Chen Hao, so that each of the guards could lead the officials and soldiers to serve the king. Wang Maozhong, the censor of the capital, Zou Shouyi, the editor, Luo Xun and Luo Qinde, the deputy envoys, Zeng Zhi, the doctor, Zhang Aoshan and Zhou Lu, the censors, commented on Luo Qiao, Guo Xiangpeng, a fellow scholar, Guo Chiping, a Jinshi, and demoted Wang Si, Li Zhong, Xian went to Shouren Army. The imperial censors Xie Yuan and Wu Xiru returned from Guangdong, and Shouren stayed there to record his merits. Because the people gathered together and said: "If the thieves leave the Yangtze River and go eastward, the southern capital will not be protected. I want to use a plan to frustrate him, and there will be no trouble in a few days." So he sent more spies and told the county: "The governor promised Tai and Queyong led the border troops, and the governors Liu Hui and Gui Yong each led 40,000 troops from the capital. They advanced by land and water. Wang Shouren of Southern Jiangxi, Qin Jin of Huguang, and Yang Dan of Liangguang each led their troops to attack Nanchang with 160,000 troops. If there is a shortage of ministers, it will be judged according to military law. "Li Shishi and Liu Yangzheng were also left behind in wax letters to describe their sincerity in returning to the country, and ordered them to send troops eastwards early in the morning and let the spies leak out. Chen Hao is suspicious. With the real scholars and the upright plans, they all encouraged him to rush to Nanjing and take the throne. Chen Haoyi was very suspicious. After more than ten days, Kou knew that Chinese and foreign troops were not coming, so he realized that he should be guarded by Renfing. On the first day of the seventh month, Renchen, left King Gongyan of Yichun to guard, and robbed 60,000 of his troops, and attacked Jiujiang and Nankang, leaving Dajiang and destroying Anqing. Shouren was overjoyed when he heard that Nanchang had few soldiers and went to Zhangshu Town. The magistrates Linjiang Dai Deru, Yuanzhou Xulian, and Ganzhou Xingxun all commanded Yu En, and passed judgment on Ruizhou Hu Yaoyuan, Tong Qi, Fuzhou Zou Hu, and Anji Tanchu, and promoted Wang () and Xu Wenying to the county magistrate Xingan Li Mei, Taihe Li Ji, Wang Mian of Wan'an, and Wang Tianyu of Ningdu each came to meet with their troops, totaling 80,000 people, with the number 300,000. Maybe you can ask for help from Anqing, Shouren said: "No. Jiujiang and Nankang are now guarded by thieves. We are on the Yangtze River in Nanchang and Xiangzhi. After the soldiers of the two counties have defeated us, we will be attacked from the front and back. It is better to go straight to Nanchang. The thieves are all out. The defense is weak. Our army has new strength and will break through. When the enemy hears that Nanchang is defeated, they will fight back and save themselves." Everyone said, "Shan." When Ji Youci entered Fengcheng, he took Wen Ding as the vanguard and sent Liu Shouxu, the magistrate of Xixin County, to attack his ambush. In the middle of the night of Gengxu, Wen Ding's troops arrived at Guangrun Gate, but the defenders dispersed in shock. At the dawn of Xinhai, all the soldiers climbed up the ladders, tied the Gongyan, etc., and many people in the palace were burned to death. The soldiers killed and looted quite a lot, and Shouren killed more than ten people who had violated the order. He pardoned the threats, comforted the people, and comforted the clan, which made people's hearts happy.
After staying for two days, he sent Wen Ding, Xun, Lian and Deru to separate their elite troops and sent Yao Yuan and others to set up an ambush. Chen Haoguo returned from Anqing. Yi Mao met at Huangjiadu. Wen Ding is the vanguard, and thieves seek to gain. Xun circled around the thief's back and penetrated it. Wen Ding and En took advantage of it. Lian and Deru spread their wings to divide the thief's power. Yao Yuan and others were lying in wait. The thief was defeated and retreated to Ba Zi Nao. Chen Hao was afraid and sent all his troops from Nankang and Jiujiang. Shouren sent the prefects Chen Huai of Fuzhou and Lincheng of Raozhou to take Jiujiang, and Zeng Yu and Guangxin of Jianchang were sent to Zhou Dynasty to take Nankang. Bingchen resumed the battle, but the officers and soldiers retreated, and Shouren killed those who retreated first. The armies fought to the death, and the thieves were severely defeated. They surrendered to the woodcutter, joined the boats in a square formation, and used all the gold and treasures to reward the soldiers. Tomorrow, Chen Hao will go to court his ministers in the morning, and the officers and soldiers are about to arrive. He used a small boat to carry fuel, rode the wind and set fire to his auxiliary boat. All the concubines, including Lou, were thrown into the water and died. Chen Hao's boat was shallow and the boat escaped in a hurry. Wang Mian's troops pursued him. Shishi, Yangzheng, and Yang Zhang, the envoy who surrendered to the rebels and guarded the area, were all captured. Nankang and Jiujiang also went down. On the thirty-fifth day, the thieves will be calm. When the capital heard about the change, all the ministers were frightened. Wang Qiong said loudly: "Wang Bo's residence in the upper reaches of Nanchang will definitely capture the thieves." So, the result was successful.
During the emperor's reign, he personally went on a campaign and called himself a "mighty general". He led tens of thousands of soldiers from the capital to the south. Anbian Bo Xu Tai was appointed as deputy general. Together with Zhang Zhong, the admiral and military eunuch, and Liu Hui, the commander-in-chief of the left army, they led thousands of Beijing troops up the river and arrived in Nanchang. Fortunately, all the lovers were in contact with Chen Hao, and Shouren first went to Chen Hao to write a letter of rebellion, because he said: "The one who covets is not the special King Ning. Please depose the traitor and flatter him to regain the heart of a hero in the world." All the lovers hated him. If Chen Hao is level, then he will be in harmony with his merits. Moreover, he was afraid that Shouren would see the emperor denounce his crime and spread rumors, saying that Shouren had conspired with him first and that he had failed to solve the problem, so he raised an army. He also wanted to order him to stay in Chenhao Lake and wait for the emperor to capture him. Shouren took advantage of Zhong and Tai before he arrived, so he captured Chenhao first and sent to Nanchang. Zhong and Tai used their mighty generals to appeal to the generals. Shouren refused to cooperate, and the road went to Yushan. He wrote a letter asking for prisoners to be sacrificed to stop the emperor's southern expedition. The emperor forbids it. When he arrived in Qian Tang, he met the eunuch Zhang Yong. The Yong Admiral praised the secret military affairs for being loyal and Taishi, so he was on good terms with Yang Yi, except Liu Jin, and was known throughout the world. Shouren met Yong at night and praised his virtue, but he said that Jiangxi was in dire straits and could not bear the harassment of the six divisions. Yong Shenran said: "Yong is here to protect the holy bow, not to ask for merit. I will always know about the great honor of the public, but it cannot be done directly." Shouren paid Yong with Chen Hao, and went to the entrance of Jing to go to court. OK. After hearing the order of the governor of Jiangxi, he returned to Nanchang. Zhong and Tai have arrived first, and they hate to lose Chen Hao. Therefore, if the Beijing army offends Shouren, some may call him names and curse him. If Shou Ren does not move, the care will become thicker. If you are sick and given medicine, if you die in a coffin, if you are mourned on the road, you must stop and pay condolences for a long time before leaving. The Beijing army said that "Wang Dutang loves me" and there will be no repeat offenders. Zhong and Tai said: "Ning Mansion is the richest and most prosperous in the world. Where is the treasure now?" Shouren said: "Chen Hao has lost all the important people in the capital at the same time. We have made an appointment and the status can be followed." Zhong and Tai Gu tasted it. Those who accept bribes from Chen Hao will be too frightened to say anything again. Already, the scribe Shou Ren is light and the shot is strong. Xu Qi hit three out of three shots. The troops in Beijing all cheered, Zhong and Taiyi were dismayed. At the winter solstice, Shouren ordered the residents to offer sacrifices in the streets, and then went to the tomb to cry. The times are new and chaotic, and the fields are shaken by howls of mourning. The Beijing army has been away from home for a long time, and everyone who heard about it cried and longed for their return. Zhong and Tai had no choice but to take classes. Bi Jiandi, together with Ji Gongzhongzhuxu and Yushi Zhanglun, slandered Bai Duan, and Du Yong was always around. Zhongyang said before the emperor: "Shouren will definitely rebel. If you try to summon him, he will not come." Zhongyang and Tai repeatedly tried to summon Shouren. Shouren won the eternal trust and refused to go. Knowing that the emperor's intention was revealed, he immediately arrived. Loyalty and Taiji are not allowed to see the emperor. Shouren then entered Jiuhua Mountain, where Riyan sat in the monk's temple. The emperor knew this and said: "Wang Shouren, a Taoist scholar, will come as soon as he hears the call. What does it mean to rebel?" He sent him back to the town and ordered Geng Shangjieyin.
Shouren was the prelude to the Yi, saying, "With the help of the mighty general, the army will attack the rebellion", and he was so famous that Jiang Bin and others were speechless.
At that time, slander and evil were instigating, disasters were unpredictable, and there was little care for benevolence, and things in the southeast were in danger. Shizong knew this very well. As soon as he ascended the throne, he was summoned to the court and granted a title. But the bachelor Yang Tinghe and Wang Qiong are incompatible. Shouren defeated the thieves before and after, and attributed his achievements to Qiong. The court was not happy, and many ministers were jealous of his achievements. There will be people who say that the national mourning has not yet ended, and it is not appropriate to hold a banquet to reward him, because he pays homage to Shouren, the Minister of War in Nanjing. If Shouren won't go, please return to the province. Already, based on meritorious service, he has been granted special titles such as Guanglu Dafu, Zhu Guo, and Xinjian Bo. He is hereditary and has a salary of one thousand dan per year. However, no iron coupons will be given, and no annual salary will be given. Among all the colleagues who have made meritorious deeds, Ji'an Shouwu Wending, who has reached the rank of senior official, will be rewarded. The others all have names that indicate migration, but those that are obscure and abandoned are those that no longer exist. Shouren was very angry. At that time, Ding's father was worried, and he repeatedly resigned from the title. He begged to record the merits of all ministers and reported to him that he was going to bed. No mourning, no summons. For a long time, Fang Xianfu and Huang Wan, who were good at the table and sent to their disciples, were lucky enough to discuss the etiquette. They told Zhang Cong and Gui Cai that they would be summoned, and Fei Hong was awarded the title of Shouren and returned to Ju. Repeatedly recommending the Secretary of the Ministry of War, the governors of the three sides, and the admirals of the regiments and camps, all of them were of no avail.
In the sixth year of Jiajing's reign, Si'en, Lu Su, and Wang, the chieftains of Tianzhou, rebelled. Governor Yao Rong could not decide, so he ordered Shouren to serve as the former official and censor of Zuodu, and to serve as governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. Because Wan submitted a petition to defend his benevolence, he asked for an iron bond, a year's salary, and a description of how to deal with the thieves. The emperor was willing to repay him. Shouren was on the road, and he clarified the faults of using troops, and said: "Si'en did not set up military officials, and the local chiefs sent out three thousand troops every year, and they were recruited by the officials. Now that there are military officials, I will send thousands of troops every year to defend the garrison. It's Liu. It is obvious that the establishment of officials is useless. Moreover, Tianzhou is adjacent to the mountains and valleys, and the Yao and Tong are divided. There will still be local officials. If the local officials are changed to Liu, the border will be troubled. If I take it upon myself, I will regret it in the future." According to the Ministry of War in the chapter, there were five disagreements among the king's ministers, and the emperor ordered Shouren to discuss it further. In December, Shouren arrived in Xunzhou, where he would patrol and appease according to the plan set by the censor Shi Jin. They dispersed all the troops, leaving thousands of local soldiers in Yongshun and Baojing to disarm and rest. Su and Shou were not able to be cared for at first, but when they heard that Shouren was the best, they were frightened, and then they were overjoyed. Shouren went to Nanning. The two sent envoys to beg for surrender, and Shouren ordered him to go to the army gate. The two men secretly discussed: "The prince is often deceitful and he is afraid of me." Chen Bing came to see him. Shouren counted two people guilty and released them with a stick. He personally entered the camp and appeased its 70,000 people. It was reported to the dynasty that Chen's use of troops was very harmful and his recruitment was very good. Because of the request to re-establish the official position, measure and cut the land of the state, establish a separate state, and use Cen Meng's second son, the prime minister, as an official to take charge of state affairs. Once he has merit, he will be promoted to the magistrate of the state. Nineteen inspection departments were set up in Tianzhou, and they were appointed by Su, Shou, etc., and were bound by the official magistrate. All emperors follow it. The Yao thieves in Duantengxia go up to the Eight Villages and down to Xiantai, Huaxiang and other caves. They stretch for more than 300 miles, and the counties and counties have been harmed for decades. Shouren wanted to attack him, so he stayed in Nanning. He dismissed the Huguang soldiers and said they would no longer use them. Unprepared for the thieves, they entered more than ten villages such as Poniuchang and Liusi. The thieves in the gorge were all defeated. Then he went down the Hengshi River and captured the Xiantai, Huaxiang, Baizhu, Gutao, and Luofeng thieves. He ordered the chief envoy Lin Fu to lead Su and his troops to the Eight Villages and break down the stone gate. Deputy General Shen Xiyi invited Yi to kill the thieves and pacify the Eight Villages. Zhai
At the beginning of the day, the emperor comforted Su and Shou, and sent travelers to write seals and commendations. When he announced the victory of Tengxiajie, he issued a hand-written edict to the cabinet ministers Yang Yiqing and others, saying that Shouren was exaggerating and his academic life was poor. Yiqing and others didn't know what to do. The origin of keeping benevolence is recommended by Cong and Calyx. Therefore, calyx is not good at keeping benevolence, so it is strengthened by Cong. After Cai was appointed to the Ministry of Personnel, Cong was appointed to the cabinet, and his accumulation was comparable. Calyx Bao was very interested in fame and fortune, Feng Shouren asked for the address, but Shouren resigned. Yiqing Ya knew Shouren, but Huang Wan tasted Shangshu and wanted to make Shouren serve as an assistant. This ruined Yiqing, and Yiqing could not regret it. Calyx then slandered Shouren and failed to conquer and care for him, so he could not reward him. Xianfu and Huo Tao were not satisfied, so Shangshu argued about it, saying: "Zhu Yao has been in trouble for many years. At first, he used hundreds of thousands of troops. He only had one field in the state, and he quickly summoned the bandits. Shouren made a few remarks, and Si and Tian Ji were the leaders. As for the bandits in Bazhai and Duanteng Gorge, they were blocked by deep rocks and mountains. Since the beginning of the country, they had not been suppressed lightly. Now they were wiped out in one fell swoop. The people who argued were that Shouren was ordered to conquer Si and Tian, ??but he was not ordered to conquer Bazhai. When an official goes out to the border, it is possible to stabilize the country and benefit the country. How can it be said that Shouren will be able to carry out the imperial edict at an advantage? Silk. At that time, ministers Yang Tinghe and Qiao Yu performed their duties, and they are still loyal to Shouren. They surrendered to Jiangxi and then to Guangdong and Guangxi, and the soldiers were disintegrated. If something happens in Yu, who will take care of it again?" The emperor just reported it.
Shouren was seriously ill, and he begged for his bones. He appointed Lin Fu, the governor of Yunyang, to take his place, but he died soon after. He traveled to Nan'an and died at the age of fifty-seven. When I passed the funeral in Jiangxi, all the soldiers and civilians mourned in mourning.
Shouren is extremely sensitive in nature. In the seventeenth year of his reign, he visited Shangrao Lou Liang and discussed Zhu Zi's investigation of things. When I returned home, I sat upright every day, reading the Five Classics, and kept a serious tone. Returned from a trip to Jiuhua and built a house in Yangming Cave. The two schools of thought were flooded, and nothing was gained for several years. Exiled to the dragon field, desolate and without books, reading old news every day. Suddenly he realized that by investigating things to gain knowledge, he should seek his own mind instead of seeking things. He sighed and said: "The Tao is here." Then he believed in it without any doubt. It is teaching, focusing on conscience. After the two sons of Song Dynasty, Zhou Dynasty and Cheng Dynasty, only the Lu family of Xiangshan was simple and straightforward, and could succeed the Meng family. However, Zhu Xi's "Collected Commentary" and "Orwen" are undecided in middle age. Scholars immediately followed it, and "Yangming Studies" came to be known in the world.
After Shouren died, Guihe left his post without permission. The emperor was furious and sent his court officials to discuss the matter. Cai et al. said: "If you keep benevolence and don't learn from the past, your words will not be worthy of the teacher. If you want to create something new and think it is high, it is not Zhu Xi's theory of studying things to achieve knowledge; if you don't follow the theory of knowing the public, it is Zhu Xi's final book in his later years. Call on disciples to communicate with each other. Promote harmony. Talented people are happy to do whatever they want, but mediocre people use their false reputations to make false claims. The doctrine of prohibiting evil is used to rectify people's hearts.
"The emperor then issued an edict to stop the hereditary inheritance, and the code was no longer acceptable. At the beginning of the Longqing Dynasty, many court officials praised his merits. The edict granted the newly built marquis, the posthumous title Wencheng. In the second year, he gave it to the hereditary earl. In addition, he also invited Shouren to accompany Xue Xuan and Chen Xianzhang. In the twelfth year of Wanli's reign, the imperial censor Zhan Shixing and others said: "Shou Ren's words of wisdom come from the Great Learning, and conscience comes from the Great Learning." Mencius". Chen Xianzhang was the master of Jing, and he followed Song Dynasty Confucians Zhou Dunyi and Cheng Hao. Moreover, the source of filial piety to friends is like offering a chapter, and the merits of integrity articles are like keeping benevolence. They cannot be called Zen, but sincerity should be worshiped. "Hu Juren is said to have a pure heart and sincere deeds. According to many opinions, it is appropriate to worship him together. Emperors all followed him. In the end of the Ming Dynasty, the only worshipers were Shouren and other four people.
At first Shouren had no children. He raised his disciple Zheng Xian. In his later years, he gave birth to a son, Zheng Yi, who was orphaned at the age of two. He was appointed as the deputy minister of Qianhu in the early years of Long Qing Dynasty. If the son is the first, but there are no children, the younger brother will be the first to inherit the family. From father to son, where will the prince go? "Xianxun was angry because he raised his descendant Ye Xun as his heir. When he succeeded to his death, Xian Xun was not attacked to death. Ye Xun thought he was not a legitimate heir, and he would eventually be given the title of Xian Da. He was worried about the fight, so he slandered Xian Da and treated him as a beggar. But Bie Chengxun's disciple Xian Tong was the heir, and they fought repeatedly in the court and could not decide for decades. During the Chongzhen period, Xian Da Ziye Hongfu and Xian Tong Shudian were the governors, and they were afraid of disobedience. Ye Hao unexpectedly passed the throne first. Ye Hong was angry and went to the forbidden gate to sue Bu Shu. p> Shouren's disciples are all over the world, but his descendants are no longer recorded. Ji Yuanheng was in trouble with Shouren. In the 11th year of Zhengde's provincial examination, Shouren came to Gan, and Chen Hao had a bad reputation in foreign affairs. It is said that Chen Hao was a fool when he discussed learning with him. He later taught "Xi Ming" and understood the righteousness of the emperor and his ministers. After the defeat, Zhang Zhong and Xu Tai falsely accused Shouren and Tong, but they had nothing to say. "Zhong and others were overjoyed. They picked up Yuan Heng and burned him with a cannon. In the end, he refused to accept it. The weapon was ordered to be imprisoned by the capital.
When Shizong succeeded to the throne, the speaker confessed his grievances and died five days after he was released from prison. Yuan Heng was in prison. He was kind to all the prisoners and treated them like brothers. When he was arrested, his wife Li, who was in charge, looked frightened and said, "My husband respects his master and loves to do good. Why should he worry about it?" "In the prison, I and my two daughters kept curing fenugreek. The incident came to light, and the guard wanted to get out. He said, "You haven't seen my husband. How can you go out to safety? "When the wives of the officials heard that he was a good man, they summoned him but refused to go. When he came to see him, he was in prison uniform and could not release his hands. When he asked his husband about his studies, he said: "My husband's studies do not go out of the boudoir and under the banquet. . "The people who heard it were horrified.
The praise said: Wang Shouren began to write with Zhijie. He took charge of border affairs, promoted weak soldiers, wiped out the old bandits from the scholars, and pacified the evil vassals. At the end of the Ming Dynasty, civil servants used troops Victory is not as good as those who keep benevolence. When in doubt, the gods become more stable and wise. Even if they are talented, they will be proud of their achievements, and they will be ridiculed by scholars. Shouren tried to accuse Hu Shining of giving less lectures, but Shining said: "I hate that Hu Shining lectures too much. "Although Gui He's discussion was motivated by prostitution's selfish interests, it is true that the disadvantages of the scandal are suppressed. It cannot be regarded as a taboo because of having too much merit.