Wounding an official is a tool to make money. If there are injured officials in the pattern, it will be manifested in people. This man is very clever. This time depends on whether there are rich stars. The premise is good health, and the injured official makes money. At worst, it is money. If you cooperate well, you have money. When an injured official encounters a seal, the injured official wears a seal, which is also an upper-level pattern with many upper-level figures.
Without the cooperation of wealthy stars, seals, etc., the injured official is not healthy, although smart, but poor to the end.
Look at these two parts, life is luck. The Universiade is divided into yin and yang, which is called the moon trip.
For example, if Jia Mu is the Japanese host, the Universiade will be strongly supported by the earth. If there is no fire for 30 years in the afternoon, it will hurt the official luck. There is Geng Jin in the sky, and in thirty years, Shen You Jin Yun has killed seven times. These are the most basic knowledge about life. Just read more books. It means that in the same column, the heavenly stem hurts the official and the earthly branch kills seven. The killing in the eight characters is the seven kills. Also known as partial officials.
Eight-character seven kills the closest person, if seven kills the king. Usually has a bad temper. Be on high alert.
There are also art or technical cells.
Secondly, if the person who killed seven people is weak. Usually, it is easy to have poor physique and get sick. Because the seven kills were Dick's own. If the eight characters take seven kills, they are doomed to be beaten. As for the lightness or heaviness of grams, it depends on whether the eight-character life is hard or not. The injury is an official injury. People who have injured officials are more prone to arrogance. Love acting. Proud! At the same time, people with injured officials are also prone to sadness. Inexplicable sadness.