What are the ten ways to keep fit?

Core muscles refer to the muscles surrounding our trunk, including abdominal muscles, hip muscles, and muscles connected to the spine and pelvis. These core muscles help keep the body stable and upright when we move our hands and legs. Some people also call these muscles the "power house". Because the entire human body is arranged like a kinematic chain, and the core part connects the upper and lower parts of the human body, like a bridge. If there is a problem with this "bridge", it is likely to cause problems with the upper/lower body and even the entire kinetic chain.

How to train core strength. How to train core strength. What are the methods of core strength training?

There are two parts of the core muscles that require special attention.

One of them is the transversus abdominis: it is the deepest muscle among the four abdominal muscles. Its muscle fibers are transverse, so when it contracts, it acts like a belt, compressing the internal organs and tightening the muscles on the back. to support. Strong transverse abdominis muscles play a very important role in preventing low back injuries and improving sports performance. A good way to understand where the deep abdominal muscles are is when you laugh, the part of your lower abdomen that contracts and vibrates inward is the transversus abdominis. To contract the transversus abdominis, you can imagine pressing your belly button toward your spine and pulling it inward.

In addition to this, it is very important to include the pelvic floor muscles among the core muscles. These muscles are connected to the bottom of the pelvis and are composed of multiple layers of intertwined muscles. When tightening these muscles, they can increase the pressure in the abdomen and help contract the transversus abdominis, thereby stabilizing the body. The feeling of tightening these muscles is like the feeling you get when you have to go to the bathroom but can't. You can imagine that the pelvic floor muscles are like an elevator, rising from the first floor to the second floor and then to the third floor, and then slowly descending level by level back to the first floor. Through this kind of imagination, you can effectively practice tightening these muscles.

Core stability is also important in everyday life: it maintains body posture and prevents injuries when lifting heavy objects, such as heavy shopping bags or ironing clothes. Around the world, 80% of adults experience low back pain, and it has become a major cause of lost work time. Whether we are walking, standing, sitting, lying, playing ball, or working, as long as these core muscles function normally, our spine can be maintained in an ideal relative position, and the pressure on the surrounding tissues such as intervertebral discs, ligaments, etc. will be maintained at a safe level. Within the range, it is difficult for people with back pain to find us.

10 core training methods:

1. Standing on a balance mat

The balance mat is a plastic inflatable mat. Since there is air inside, if you do not tighten your core It will be difficult for the muscles in the area to maintain a stable stance. After a period of practice, if you can stand more stably, you can close your eyes. This will stimulate the proprioceptive nerves more intensely and bring more challenges to core stability.

2. One-leg squat

Stand on one leg, bend your hips and squat down, with your knees not exceeding your toes. Make sure that the entire foot of the landing foot does not leave the ground from beginning to end. To increase the difficulty, stand on a curved, unstable surface.

3. Ball lunge

Put one leg on the ball, with the calf parallel to the ground, and step forward with the other leg. Then tighten your abdomen and do a lunge squat, making sure your knees don't go past your toes. The back leg should be relaxed and the knee should be flexed. This action can also be done by placing your legs on a flat plate, and then standing on the balance pad with the front leg to do a lunge.

4. Balance Pad Squats

Put two balance pads hip-width apart. Place your feet in the middle of the balance plate. When performing a squat, squat down with your knees toward your toes, without buckling in or out, with your knees not exceeding your toes, and your thighs parallel to the ground or slightly above parallel. Straighten your lower back and tighten your core muscles.

How to train core strength? How to train core strength? What are the methods of core strength training

5. Kneeling position to control balance

Kneel on the mat, kneeling on one knee joint While on a balance mat, tighten your core muscles. Lift your other leg and opposite arm, keeping your pelvis neutral and not tilted. Control the balance of the body, maintain it for a while, and then switch to the other side.

6. Balance mat push-ups

Place the balance mat on the ground shoulder-width apart, place both hands on the center of the balance mat, and perform push-ups. Keep your body in a straight line from head to toe, and drop to a 90-degree angle at your elbow joints. Be careful not to hyperextend your elbow joint when you stand up.

7. Fitness ball push-ups

Place your hands on the fitness ball with your hands under your shoulders. Make sure the stripes on the ball are in the opposite direction of your hand to increase friction. Reduces the risk of hand slippage. For beginners, you can reduce the difficulty by placing your elbows on the ball, or you can spread your feet wider. Don't let your chest touch the ball as you fall downwards. When getting up, do not hyperextend your elbow joint and keep your body in a straight line from head to toe. Tighten your abdomen and don't slump your waist.

8. Kneel on the ball for balance

Tighten your abdomen, hold the ball with your hands, control your body stability, kneel on the ball, tighten your thighs at the same time, cross your hands on your chest to maintain balance .

9. Reverse rowing with a fitness ball

Place your feet on the fitness ball with your legs hip-width apart. Lie on your back underneath a barbell, holding the barbell slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Tighten the abdomen, pull the body upward until the elbow joint forms a 90-degree angle, keep the entire body in a straight line, compress the shoulder straps back, and do not let the chest touch the barbell when moving upward. Controlled recovery of the body's whereabouts.

10. Balance Pad Balance Style

Sit on the balance pad and maintain balance with your tailbone. Place your hands on the back of your body, tighten your core muscles, slowly lift one leg, then the other leg, and lift your hands off the ground. The lower back should be straight. Keep a balance.


The above introduces 10 core muscle training methods, which mainly use instability factors to stimulate muscles and nerves to achieve the purpose of improving core stability. Whether in daily life or competitive sports, the stability of the core cannot be ignored. As a coach, through this article, you can master some core stability training principles and use your creativity to Develop more training moves to better help your members.