Guan Gong is not suitable for everyone. People who have committed crimes are not fit to wear Guan Yu, who is open-minded and upright, and will not protect those who do evil. Because Guan Yu's masculinity is strong, people with weak constitution are not suitable to wear Guan Yu, otherwise it will be unbearable. Guan Gong likes cleanliness and needs regular cleaning. People who don't pay attention to hygiene had better not wear it.
Guan Gong, which people wear with them, is mostly made of jade, so people who often work in the kitchen should not wear it. The high temperature environment and oil fume in the kitchen will affect the quality of Guan Gong jade pendant. In addition, people engaged in chemical work should not wear jade Guan Gong, and chemicals in the chemical environment will corrode Guan Gong's pendant.