Where does Bazigou Village belong?

Bazigou Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Jinggu Town, Kangle County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, with the urban-rural classification code of 220. The zoning code is 622922 103202, and the first six digits of the resident ID number are 622922. Postal code 73 1 100, long-distance telephone area code 0930, license plate number gan n, Bazigou Village is adjacent to Fenwan Village, Anlong Village, Jinggu Village, Agushan Village, Moujiagou Village, Qinjiahe Village, Wangjiagou Village, Wenjiahe Village and Xianjiatan Village.

There are scenic spots near Bazigou Village, such as Jinggu City _ Jialou Red Army Long March Site, Le Kang Lianhua Mountain National Forest Park, Jinggu Red Regime Revolutionary Memorial Hall, West Honeycomb Temple and Zhuzigou. And it has the characteristics of leisure cattle, leisure stuffed skin, leisure stirring, miscellaneous cutting of cattle and sheep, oily leisure and so on.