Buddhist scriptures say that people have eight senses, namely

┌ 1 Ophthalmology knowledge ── Eye root edge color dust┐

│2 audiology-sound dust at the root of the ear-

│3 Nose knowledge-Nose root edge incense dust ├ knowledge (don't play dumb)-.

Knowledge of the root of the tongue-the edge of the root of the tongue smells like dust.


│6 consciousness-meaning root edge method dust ┘ ├ turn

Eight │ ┌ The root of the sixth consciousness is knowledge.

Knowledge-┤ 7 The last knowledge in the seventh part-┤ I often worry about four things-│ I am crazy, I understand, I love, and I am slow (thinking │).




│ │ └ Holding Tibet and Holding the Seventh Knowledge ├ Heart (established)

└ 8 araya's Eighth Knowledge-No Cover, No Record ┖ Meaning)-Root

Seeds take effect, good and evil are clear, and karma is constant.
