How can I correct my son’s horoscopes under the age of four?

Definition: The foot of a schoolchild is internally rotated when walking. ?It is divided into two types: morphological entry foot and gait entry foot. ?The inverted foot is caused by a problem with the foot bone structure, forming a foot shape similar to a banana. The inverted foot is formed by the inward rotation of the hip joint.

Cause: The formation of morphologically modified feet is caused by congenital problems with the bone structure of the feet. ?Causes of crotch in gait: ?Normal children's ankle joints rotate slightly inwards, ?so crotch appears, ?and pronation usually improves after the age of four. ?The cause of persistent crotch foot condition may be caused by a variety of conditions, ?imbalance of muscle strength in the lower limbs,?bad posture (such as sitting with feet outward in a W-shape, kneeling or sleeping on one's stomach) causing the hip joint to rotate externally.

Impact: Unbalanced walking, easy to fall. ?In addition,?It also affects the appearance.

Treatment: You can do strong external rotation muscle exercises such as walking sideways, cycling?, swimming frog pose, etc. ?In addition, you should pay attention to your sitting and sleeping postures, and avoid sitting in a W-shape, sitting on your knees or lying prone.