China Idiom Convention Process Rules

Target time

Players should finish guessing the target idiom as soon as possible, and win in a short time. There is a chance to "pass" and a chance to violate the rules.

Two-syllable same topic

Both players have the same topic. Every time a player needs to describe a four-character idiom with a two-syllable word, the two sides take turns to exchange until one player guesses correctly.

Word limit guess

Descriptors can always be described within the specified time, but the word guesser only has two chances to guess correctly until he guesses correctly. There is no chance to "pass the customs" and violate the rules.

Time-limited test

Players should guess as many idioms as possible within the specified time. One chance to "pass" and two violations. All crossword puzzles require two people to work together. Among them, the narrator can only use the definition, allusions and situations of idioms on the topic to prompt the topic until the cooperative guess guesses the topic correctly. There can be no words in the title, and there can be no mouth hints or synonyms in other languages during the description. The headline appears in the description is a foul.

Commentators or word guessers can choose "Guo" for topics that players find too difficult, but the number of fouls will be limited in some links of the program, and the right to choose "Guo" may also be cancelled.