The difference between delivering meals and offering cigarettes.

Employees are actually facts. He said, the upper sacrifice is the same as the lower sacrifice, and the fire sacrifice is the same. Merit depends on how much you pay. If you pay less, the effect will be bad. The more merits you pay, the upper offering and the lower offering will be divided into offering Buddha, offering bodhisattva and protecting god. The lower offering is the six relatives of ancestors, robbing creditors and so on. If the experiment is calculated according to the merits and demerits, the fire attack method will be faster and more effective. It doesn't have to be very, very important. For example, employees, your consumption is relatively large. Well, the power of the fire supply is also quite large. You can use some cigarette powder and that kind of grass incense to support combustion, both of which are acceptable. To chant Buddhist scripture, to perform rituals, the supporters are different. After that, they should go back to school accordingly. Generally, they will use a big article to repay all sentient beings in the Ten Dharma Boundaries, all buddhas, all buddhas, all buddhas, all buddhas, all buddhas, all buddhas and everything.