Deceleration principle of double-board snowboard

The deceleration principle of double snowboard is to set different side cuts at different parts of snowboard, and change the speed according to the bending deformation degree of snowboard. Under the premise of high speed, different curve shapes, different stages of curve, acceleration and deceleration, and active load transfer of skaters will all affect the bending deformation of snowboards.

Ski deceleration tips

When slowing down, the stress point of the foot is in the heel of the foot to keep the center of gravity forward. Learn quickly, and it will be beautiful to know parallel technology. In addition, unless it is on the flat ground, beginners should not let the skis move in parallel, always keep the figure of eight, take some when accelerating, and put some when slowing down, and always be careful not to let the speed be too fast. Slow down slowly when you stop, and don't pursue an emergency stop.