Pewter gold, Kunshan jade, intersects with the light of the sun and moon, condenses the energy of yin and yang, has a bright form and a clean body, which is the true color of gold. This gold only likes to be refined by fire and needs the fire of the furnace. However, when Gengchen saw it, if there was no water to help, the owner would be poor and young, but Xinsi regarded it as noble, because it was the place where gold was born, and Bingyin turned into water, so it was noble. If fire is born early at the foot of the mountain, it will bring glory and honor, and it also needs the help of water to get it. Jingquan and Daxi are both nobles. The Geng official is in Ding and the Xin official is in Bing. Therefore, when Geng sees Ding Chou, he has both official and noble status. When Xin sees Bingzi, he is not as pure as Guisi. He is rich without being noble. Seeing wood in the argument, it is useless to encounter too much, and this metal cannot overcome each other. If a pillar encounters a lifeless fire, but it will grow out of wood, it will be auspicious if there is a noble horse and a noble person. It is auspicious to see that the soil can only be ground and built to make utensils. Other soil is useless. Gold avoids sea sand and disappears in the gurgling water, but it flourishes when there is fire every day. If you see pure gold, add water to help, but fire will not love it either, and will only be punished. A wonderful choice is the Whistling Wind and Tiger pattern, which is when you encounter Xinsi or Yisi during the golden day.