Bai Juyi said: "Can the moon break in the Orchid Pavilion come back, but the autumn coolness in the baby pavilion is gone." So what is the moon break? Calendarists use the twelve gods of "building, eliminating, filling, pacifying, executing, destroying, succeeding, closing, opening and closing" to work together on the day. If Yin is built in the first month, the day of Yin is built, the day of Mao is divided, the day of Shen is broken, the day of Shen is broken, and the day of breaking is the day of breaking. The day when the moon breaks is the day when the moon is built. The broken sun is the most unlucky day. When the sun is equal to the moon, it is not suitable for major events. The broken sun means ruin. The sun and the moon are in conflict, which means great consumption. The bucket handles are in conflict with each other, which will destroy the day. Therefore, it is not suitable for major events. The only way is to break the ground, dismantle, and dismantle. Seek medical treatment first and then fix it, but it can also be done on the day of breaking.
Why do people burn Qi? Each of the twelve earthly branches represents one of the twelve months of the year in which the earth orbits the sun. Each earthly branch has two opposite ends on the diameter of the circle, and they must conflict every seven. Therefore, Ziwu Maoyou is a typical conflict. The god on duty on the death day has been bought by the paper money of burning paper, but the god on duty on the seventh day must also be taken care of. This is burning seven, and this is the one that was bought. What about the seventh one? They also have to be bribed until the end of July 7th.
The first day of the lunar month is the biggest, and every seventh day is in conflict with itself, so there is no need to adjust the duty of every seventh day. Mao is built in February, and the day of Mao is the big day. Its seventh day is the month of breaking, which is the most broken day of the month. It is not suitable. Breaking and the opposition of the building of this month are the least liked by the building, and it is broken if it is not supported. The Yongshen in the horoscope belongs to the broken part of the moon, and cannot be used to perform its functions.