Calculation method of estimated delivery date

The expected date of delivery is calculated from the date of the first day of the last menstruation, which is inconsistent with the actual pregnancy time and is in the ovulation period after the last menstruation.

Calculation method of estimated delivery date

The calculation method of the expected date of delivery is: the expected date of delivery is the number of last menstrual months plus 9 (or minus 3), and the number of days plus 7.

Last menstrual period

The last menstrual period is the 28th day of the first lunar month in 20 12 (201February 19), and the expected date of delivery is 2016 years1October 26th (13

Pregnancy examination

It is recommended to check on time during pregnancy.

full-term pregnancy

Term pregnancy is about 280 days and 40 weeks. It is normal to give birth within two weeks before or after the expected date of delivery.