How to stack socks in a sock storage box What are the skills?

1, Method 1: Have two socks. It is very important to fold correctly if you want to store it neatly. First align the left and right socks, fold them with 1/3, and divide them into three equal parts as far as possible. Then turn the opening of one sock outward to cover the two socks. This stacking method can be neatly placed when it is stored, saving space and being convenient to take when it is worn.

Lay the boat socks on top of each other, then put one of them into the other sock, and then roll it up from the bottom, and cover the rolled part with the sock mouth when it is almost rolled to the sock mouth.

2. Method 2: Overlap two pairs of socks, then roll them from bottom to top, stand them up and put them in the storage box. You can also fold it up and put it in like method one.