On the appearance of husband and wife: they are close to the official; the husband and wife want auspiciousness and prosperity, separated by water and mountains, even if there is no punishment, there should be no disaster.
On marriage: Preservation: Husband and wife should be conservative together, relatives and neighbors will be harmonious, children will be kind, and children will be in charge for a long time.
On the number of children: If you have children in your grave, you may die early (respect life and do not have abortions.)
Spouse’s orientation: Northeast to southwest
The natal zodiac belongs to the fire in the sky. In fate, the five elements of earth are prosperous and wood is lacking. The sun dominates the sky stem and is gold. Born in summer.
Same kind of metal and earth, different kind of fire, wood and water
Number of five elements: 1 gold, 0 wood, 1 water, 1 fire, 5 earth
Four Seasons God Reference: Sun Lord Heavenly Stem Metal is born in summer, it must be supported by water, avoid too much wood.
Qiong Tong Bao Jian’s reference for the gods of adjusting the weather: Xin Jin was born in the Si month, washed with Ren water, and has the function of adjusting the weather. It also has Jiamu Wu, which can be thoroughly cleaned.
The eight-character horoscope of June 3, 1979 (the ninth day of May in the lunar calendar, 1979)
The owner of this horoscope is "White Ox", who was born in the Year of the Yellow Sheep on the day of the zodiac. Qian represents the owner of life, so it belongs to "gold"
Year (ancestor) month (parents) day (self) hour (descendants)
Yin earth yin earth yin metal yang water
p>Yellow Sheep, Yellow Snake, White Ox, Black Dragon
Small conclusion: The eight-character horoscope is obtained from the yin-yang stems and branches triad calendar. The upper row is the heavenly stems, which are arranged in turn by the five elements "gold, water, wood, fire and earth". Pai is the earthly branch, arranged in the order of the twelve zodiac signs, and the twelve zodiac signs can be converted into five elements.