In fact, when babies first start walking, most babies have a boxed gait, but the severity varies. When the baby is lying down after birth, his legs are curled up, like a frog. It is a phenomenon for babies to walk pigeon-toed. There are many reasons: 1. When babies walk, in order to stand and land comfortably, they naturally correct the body's gravity and adopt different gaits. This is obviously physiological. If the situation is not serious, the phenomenon of pigeon-toed will disappear as the baby grows. 2. Internal tibial rotation deformity. This is a congenital phenomenon. The baby's tibia is not straight. It rotates inwards at the ankle, causing a pigeon-toed appearance when walking. In this case, you must go to the hospital for diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible and wear special pigeon-toed shoes. Orthopedic shoe correction. These shoes are customized according to the pronation of the baby's feet. The uppers are high and can fix the baby's ankle joints. The bottom is made with a certain slope according to the cause of the baby's feet. As the baby's gait changes, a new pair of shoes is usually replaced every six months.
It is recommended that mothers put their baby's shoes on backwards first