Later, Emperor Wendi wanted to choose a concubine for his son, King Jin, and then asked someone to tell his fortune. Princess Liang's divination results were not good, so Xiao was taken back to the palace. Sure enough, her divination result was auspicious, and then she was registered as Princess Jin and married into the royal family. At this time, she was only thirteen years old. The person who gave her divination was Yuan Tiangang. He told the king of Jin that Xiao was the first zither in the world. Later, the King of Jin really replaced his brother as the new emperor of Sui Dynasty? The emperor and Xiao Ye became. However, after Yang Di became king, there were many concubines. Xiao Huanghou couldn't bear loneliness and had an affair with Yu culture. Later, Emperor Yang Di went south and was killed by Yu culture, and Xiao Huanghou became a wing of Yu culture.
Soon, Kou Jiande defeated Yu Culture. Of course, Xiao Huanghou was also defeated by him? In your pocket? , become his pet concubine, but Xiao Huanghou is very reluctant. Later, she married Princess Yicheng, the sister-in-law of Xiongnu, to pick her up and leave Xiongnu. She is very happy. Seeing that she couldn't leave her heart, Kou Jiande had to send bodyguards to escort her away. After arriving in Turkey, Chu Luohan accepted her as Khan's concubine and served with Princess Yicheng. Only one year later, Chulo died and Valerie Khan ascended the throne. According to Turkish custom, they can only pass it on to Valerie Khan and stay with him for many years.
I thought this was Xiao Huanghou's life, but ten years later, Li Shimin defeated the Turks and took her back to Beijing. At this time, Xiao Huanghou is almost fifty years old. When she entered the court, she didn't look old, but she looked gentle and mature. Looking around, she had a unique flavor. At this time, Emperor Taizong, who was seventeen years younger than her, ignored the opposition and named her Zhao Rong. From then on, Xiao Huanghou lived in the palace of the Tang Dynasty for eighteen years and died.