A series of ideal or hypothetical facts, principles or situations.
Evaluation, opinion, formulation or scheme [about the nature, function, cause or origin of one or more phenomena] derived from speculation, deduction, abstraction or synthesis of facts.
Scientific theory is systematic scientific knowledge, a relatively correct understanding of the nature and regularity of objective things, and a knowledge system expressed by a series of concepts, judgments and inferences after logical and practical tests.
People often say that this practice has many meanings, but I think the core meaning is the combination of subjective and objective.
Practice and thought are mutually shared. Broadly speaking, practice is the sum of internal and external ideological struggles, or practice is the floorboard of people's material and ideological activities. Practice is thought-oriented. Material activities without ideological participation are not enough to be called practice. Thought is the most basic thing in practice. The so-called struggle between thought and the outside world is the struggle between thought and matter. Broadly speaking, practice is thought, and thought is practice.
Thought and practice are different from each other. Its meaning is: practice is practice outside thinking, and practice outside thinking is different from virtual practice inside thinking. Distinguish between narrow practice and narrow thinking. The difference between narrow practice and narrow thinking is complicated. Fundamentally speaking, practice in a narrow sense refers to the struggle between thought and the outside, that is, the struggle between thought and matter, and the most basic thing is the struggle between thought and matter in a narrow sense. In a narrow sense, thought refers to the struggle within thought. Conventionality usually refers to the narrow sense of convention.
The relationship between thought and matter has two aspects, namely, from matter to thought and from thought to matter. From matter to thought is the transformation of thought to matter, and from thought to matter is the transformation of thought to matter. Practice in the narrowest sense refers to the transformation of matter by thought, that is, from thought to matter.
What is reality? Reality in a broad sense refers to all matter, while reality in a narrow sense refers to practice and things related to practice. In the narrowest sense, practice is practice, and practice is practice.