Zhouyi divines four virtues. Ganyi: "Gan: Yuan Hengzhen." Confucius said: "Yuan Henry's chastity is the four virtues of sweetness." "Xia Zichuan" said:' Yuan is the beginning; Constant, pass also; Li Heye; Zhen, Zheng Ye. ""Song Cheng Yi's Biography of Cheng Yi "Volume 1:" Yuan Henry Zhen, known as the four virtues. Yuan, the beginning of everything; Constant, the length of everything; Beneficiary, everything is successful; Chastity is the achievement of all things. "
Word decomposition
Yuan Heng's explanation is still a great success. Yi Judas: "Its virtue is profound and civilized, and it should be based on Yuan Heng." Wang Bi's note: "The right time, the right place, and the harmony between people do not go against the times. It is based on Yuan Heng. " Confucius' Ying Da Shu': "With everything, Datong and Yuan Heng are also." Selected Works of Wang Yanshou: "Li Zhen explains harmony and integrity. Do one: "Yuan Henry Zhen. "Yi Classical Chinese": "Those who benefit are the sum of righteousness; Loyal people do things. Kong Shu said, "Those who benefit, and also. Hey, Zheng Ye. " Han Xu Gan's Textual Research: "Going out is virtuous. "Nan Xie's literary mind.