What is the price of Fu Rong (apartment) in Chongqing Financial Street?

The current house price of Fu Rong (apartment) in Financial Street is: 1 1000 Yuan/_.

Financial Street Fu Rong (Apartment) is located in Shabin Road, Shapingba (500 meters in front of Shijingpo Station of Metro 1 Line). The property types are commercial apartments, commercial shops and commercial apartments, and the property rights are 40 years. The decoration is rough, and the public part is decorated, with a planned area of 62025_ building area 16 1385_. For details, please call Wu Ji Sales Consulting Tel: 400658 1350 ext. 17505 to make an appointment and enjoy one-on-one detailed explanation and quotation service.

Click to view: Financial Street Fu Rong (Apartment) for more details.