First of all, we have to move from the troubled Chang 'an to the inner city of Chang 'an. This place is next to the transmission entrance of Huaqing Palace. After entering through the portal, we saw the legendary inner city of Chang 'an. Is it very powerful and domineering? Therefore, what we are looking for today is mainly the daily life of the Western Regions Chamber of Commerce. Press the m key to open the big picture. According to the arrow, we came to the west side of Chang 'an. (PS: Chang 'an Xicheng still has prestigious daily tasks, please pay attention to other members of the evaluation team. ) When we enter the West City of Chang 'an, we will find that it has become a local map of the West City. And the daily life we are looking for is in the position shown below. So, let's start our task.
Step two:
We followed the daily task of the map to Tianmu and found Linghuyao. Yao Yao will give us the following tasks, and here's what follows. The first type: secretly transporting goods to avoid risks. After receiving the task, we will find a big sack behind us. Difficulty of this task: This task is somewhat similar to Qutangxia stealth task, requiring players to carry sacks without being discovered by specific NPCs around them. The distance we can choose is shown in the figure below. Because there are guards on the left and right, they are not allowed to pass. I circled the places that I couldn't pass. Pay attention to NPCs with red and pink apertures under their feet, and remember not to approach them. In addition, you must follow the path shown in the above picture, because if you take the path and step into the aperture, the player will get a gaze state of 4 seconds. Four seconds later, my eyes went black. We will find ourselves in a dark room. But don't be afraid, there is a guy named Zhen peeling in the darkroom. Talking to him, we will magically find the following. Give him 5 gold, relax and be happy, and you will go out. After many times of encirclement, we finally met the person who finished the task.