The content of the five elements’ mutual support and mutual restraint marriage chart is as follows:
1. The marriage method of metal’s mutual support and mutual restraint. If the man is golden and the girl is golden, the husband and wife will be loving, the children will be happy and happy in old age. A man with gold and a woman with water will grow old, have a rich family, and have children and grandchildren. If the man is Metal and the woman is Wood, the husband and wife will get along well, they will have children, and they will be congenial. The man is gold and the woman is fire. They get separated halfway and often quarrel. It is auspicious to be considerate. The man is gold and the woman is earth, they are prosperous, wealthy and happy, and they will stay together until old age.
2. The water zodiac sign is in harmony with each other. If a man is Water and a woman is Metal, more gold will bring more blessings, a bright future, and longevity. If men and women are in water, the couple will be harmonious, happy, and have prosperous children. If the man is Water and the woman is Wood, the harvest will be abundant, the husband and wife will be of the same mind, and they will have blond hair in the same bed. Men and women are incompatible with water and fire, and if they are married for half a lifetime, their money will be damaged. The male is watery and the female is earthy, tit for tat, the children are tired, and the marriage lasts for half a lifetime.
3. The marriage method of wood and wood. If the man is wood and the woman is gold, the husband and wife will be happy, money will be made, and the children will be famous. Men, Wood, and women are in Water, like a fish in water, harmonious with health, wealth, and good luck. If a man is in wood and a woman is in wood, there will be difficulties for the couple, disasters and illnesses, and loss of money. If a man is a man with Wood and a woman is Fire, if Wood and Fire are strong, the couple will have good children and a healthy couple. The male is wood and the female is earth, the ox and the horse are in conflict with each other, and the whole life is lonely and riddled with diseases.
4. The method of marriage between fire and fire. The man is fire and the woman is gold, the needle-point wheat king, the old and helpless, and the separation and separation are miserable. If the man is fire and the woman is water, they will play like a mandarin duck in the water. They will bring in more wealth and food, and their children will be prosperous. The man, Fire, and the woman Wood, will be together for life, have children and grandchildren, and be happy and healthy. The man is hot and the woman is hot, she is anxious day and night, old and hard, and lonely for half her life. If the man is Fire and the woman is Earth, she will keep wealth and fortune, the husband and wife will be harmonious, and the children will be happy.
5. The earth belongs to each other and restrains each other in marriage. The man is gold and the woman is gold, wearing gold and silver, the husband and wife are harmonious and the family is reunited. If the man is Earth and the woman is Wood, there will be disagreements, a half-life marriage, and money will not be guaranteed. A man with earth and a woman with fire, gold, silver and wealth, noble children and virtuous grandchildren, good fortune and wealth. If a man is born with earth and a woman is born with earth, she will be blessed with good fortune and longevity, smart children, wealth and prosperity.