First, massage alternately with hot and cold water while taking a bath.
If you want to slim down your legs, remember that you must stand while taking a shower. Taking a shower while standing can consume more energy from our body. First rinse with hot water for about two minutes, and then massage your thighs with your hands. Then switch to cold water and rinse for about two minutes, and also use your hands to massage your legs. Repeating it several times while taking a bath can effectively promote blood circulation in our thighs, thereby helping to consume excess fat on our thighs and also play a role in slimming our legs.
Second, insist on doing high leg raising exercises.
When we wake up every morning, we can do more than five sets of high leg raising exercises in our room or on the bed. Hold each group for more than one minute. After each set, you can take a proper rest. Leg raises are a good exercise for thinning thighs. When doing leg raises, you can exercise the muscles on our thighs, thus promoting the growth of our legs. Fat burning.
Third, practice yoga.
Nowadays, many female friends choose to practice yoga when they have free time. In fact, practicing yoga can not only digest fat in our body, but also help us shape a more perfect figure. Proper yoga can cultivate the body and mind. When you feel too stressed at work or very nervous, you can choose yoga to help you relieve your mood. Practicing yoga can not only lift our legs but also enhance the strength of our legs. On another level, practicing yoga can improve our body’s sense of balance.
Fourth, insist on skipping rope.
Relevant research shows that skipping rope for more than ten minutes a day is equivalent to jogging for half an hour. Jumping rope in daily life can strengthen our cardiopulmonary system and also play a role in burning fat. Among many sports, skipping rope is a very low-cost exercise, but it should be noted that if it is your first time to skip rope, do not skip for too long, or it may cause muscle strain. .
Fifth, hold the water bottle between your legs
You must be very correct when doing this action. This action can quickly achieve the effect of slimming your legs. First, we need to sit on a chair, then put our abdomen up, take a deep breath, and at the same time put a bottle of open-topped mineral water between our legs, and slowly squeeze it with our legs. Squeeze the mineral water and hold it for more than one minute each time.
Sixth, practice the bicycle posture
Lie on your bed every day when sleeping, lift your legs to do the bicycle posture, do it about 300 times a day, and finish Afterwards, you must remember to massage your legs and relax your muscles. Otherwise, it will easily lead to excessive leg muscles, which will also have a certain impact on the lines of the legs.