Liu Bowen is a very clever man and a good minister. Zhu Yuanzhang did not have a culturally stable country, which was largely attributed to Liu Bowen. Liu Bowen was a great man since he was a child, and he was also accomplished in geomantic omen in history. Later, people compared his party to Zhuge Liang, and his road to study was smooth. He was admitted as a scholar in his teens, and then went to Beijing to catch the exam, but he got it smoothly. But the situation was turbulent at that time, and Liu Bowen didn't want to be an official, so he resigned and went home.
It was not until he became an official again that he was a very clean official. He also rectified the corrupt atmosphere, and the people loved him very much. When Zhu Yuanzhang knew about this man, he went to ask Liu Bowen to be his minister. But at that time, there was also a very powerful minister in the DPRK, that is, Li Shanchang and Liu Bowen were at odds with him. Li Shanchang is a powerful man who loves corruption and always wants to oust Liu Bowen.
However, Liu Bowen had a strong self-protection ability in the DPRK, and also trained successors, exposing Li Shanchang's conspiracy many times. You're doing well. There's nothing to do. Zhu Yuanzhang gradually found something wrong with what he was good at. Liu Bowen always thought of the emperor during his reign. It's a pity that Zhu Yuanzhang is a wooden fish head and doesn't understand his goodness at all. Later, the charges against Li Shanchang and his party were exposed. He also felt that Liu Bowen was insinuating that he had a bad eye.
Therefore, Liu Bowen later said, "From talented officials to talented people, the bones of horses cannot be old." He still felt that Liu Bowen was blaming himself, so he got angry after reading it.