A woman with a secret in the husband and wife's palace
Women with secrets in the husband-and-wife palace generally make friends with very rich classes, with young men and young wives, but strong sex; Or a woman's husband. When the cat enters the husband-and-wife palace, the marriage of the owner should be small, and the difference must be over three years old. And the protagonist is smart and well managed. If it is in the same palace as the lunar calendar, it is like a peach blossom. His spouse is beautiful and versatile. However, the right and wrong of married life is inevitable, and people talk about it. Wives should be young. If Jia Chang and Qu, both men and women, have been in love all their lives, living with others outside, and even young girls are still waiting on them in their sixties. If it is a man's life, the Lord's wife is helpful and beautiful.
The couple's palace is the same as Tian Liang Palace.
The couple's house is the same as Tian Liang's, which means their marriage will be more prosperous. The main person's spouse is beautiful, married for a long time, or six years younger. If you meet Tian Liang, if you don't get married later, or if both men and women dissolve their engagement with a third party before marriage, or if love changes, you will get divorced or divorced after marriage. The secret is opposite to the heavenly beam and better than the same palace. There is a gap between the ages of men and women and their spouses, or conversely, the husband is younger than his wife. Spouses are better in performing arts, entertainment, design, news and writing.
The husband and wife palace and Lu Cun share the same palace.
Husband and wife palace and Lu Cun live in the same palace, which shows that spouses are very smart people and spouses can get great material help. If you share a house with Wenchang, Wen Qu, Tiankui, Tian Yue, Zuo Fu and the Ghost, your spouse is smart and artistic. If you live in the same house with Qingyang, Datura, Mars, Bell Star, Sky, Robbery Land and Chemical Shelter, it is easy to have various problems after marriage, and you may regret it. If you get married late, this fortune is easier to change. Both men and women, spouses are clear-headed, curious, like to study things and have skills in speaking. Besides, you are more suitable for getting married in the future.
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