Guan Guan Jiujiu, in the river island, a graceful lady, a gentleman who likes to fight. The water-lilies are scattered about, flowing left and right, and the fair ladies are longing for them.
I can't get what I want, so I sleep hard and think about it, leisurely and leisurely, tossing and turning.
Pick the waterlilies from left to right, and play the harp and harp to the fair ladies.
There are various water-lilies growing on the left and right, and there are fair ladies playing with bells and drums.
(Guan Ju. Zhou Nan)
The Ge Zhiqin Xi is applied to the middle valley, and the leaves are luxuriant. The yellow birds are flying and gathering in the bushes. They are singing and singing.
Ge Zhiqin Xi, whirling in the middle valley, the leaves are still. It's a plow, it's a harvest, it's a harvest, it's a harvest, it's a harvest.
Tell me the truth, tell my master, tell me and return home, dirty my private life lightly, wash my clothes thinly. Is it harmful to raccoons? Guining parents.